making your day appear larger and behind the date/time

Jun 10, 2005 19:51

Enough people ask for this, so it's time for a tutorial. If you are not familiar with date/time overrides, you might want to see this post, which explains what the variables are and how you may modify your date/time in basic ways.

30pt; color: #0000FF; font-family: Times New Roman; line-height: 0.5em;">%%daylong%%

10pt; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana; line-height: 0.1em;">%%monlong%% %%dth%%, %%yyyy%% at %%12h%%:%%min%%%%ampm%%

Text size - change these to your liking.
Font color - change these to a hex code of your liking, or you can use a color name, such as blue or violet.
Font - once again, change to your liking.
Line-height - this can also be adjusted. A very brief explanation of line-height can be found in howto's memories under Links.

You can also combine this with the override for hiding brackets.

date/time, overrides, tutorials

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