Holy shit, it's been a good forever since I last updated. I decided you guys have suffered enough, so here are some snippets of my life to keep you above water. Enjoy. :P
I am most pleased to report that I may be employed soon, by the good folks over at Canadian Tire. I tried applying for Stream a month and something ago, but because those sons of bitches don't believe in getting back to people within a reasonable amount of time, I've gotten nothing out of them, and therefore they can go straight to the deepest circle of Hell.
Anyway, a week or two ago I heard (from Geoff) that Canadian Tire is looking for people to loiter around in the parking lot and move shopping carts around. I thought, hey, it's simple, repetitive, and pays about as much as anything that requires one to interact with... *shudder*... people, so I deemed it fit for myself. I went in to Canadian Tire to drop off my application, and Geoff's mom wasn't kidding when she said they were desperate; I only saw about 10 employees running the entire store, 2 of which were in customer service. Oy. They'll be happy to have me, I think. :P
Further proof it's been too long since I updated last, Tristen and I got back together about 2 months ago (3 days). I didn't mention it to many people because I figured I would have updated a lot sooner. :\
After she broke up with me at the end of summer, following some advice Bogey gave me, I quickly put it out of my mind and familiarized myself with the single life once again. About a week later, she decided she had made a terrible mistake, and from then until the 15th October did everything in her power to try to get me back. Because I was comfortable on my own again, I didn't pay her pleas any mind. But then, on the week of the 15th or so, I had a revelation of sorts. The time I was with her were some of the best times of my entire life. She was always considerate of me and my feelings, she never bullshitted me, she was everything I pictured my first real love would be like, and on top of all that, she was fighting to get me, of all people, back. After this cycled through my thought process a few good hundred times, I told I was ready to give it another shot. Now, I'll admit I had my doubts to begin with, but two months later, it just feels right. I'm glad I made the right decision. <3 Tristen
Of course, there's still the little matter of meeting her folks, but I've been told by her friends that they're cool, so I'm hoping that supposed coolness pulls through so's I can make a good first impression. :P
Oh yeah, and I'm going to be playing Jacob Marley in the school production of "A Christmas Carol". Everyone who's anyone knows this already, but I thought I'd include it anyway. We've been at it for about 3 months now, and my scene with Geoff is flawless. Everytime the director/drama teacher Mr. Craig witnesses our performance, he orders everyone in the auditorium to give us a round of applause.
Unfortunately, our first show is three days away, and a few the "actors" are nowhere near ready. If you heard Griffin Gill or that stupid ho in his scene try to act, you'd know exactly what I mean. Some people can't act worth shit, and I hope to God they at least do us the honor of memorizing their fucking lines so that our show doesn't end up sucking. Of course, their less-than-adequate performances make Geoff and I look all the better, so I guess I'm not too bitter on the subject.
Oh yeah, and I got DDR Extreme 2 not too long ago, and already I've managed to unlock all the songs and most of the courses, so let's hope while Jon (Tristen's friend's squeeze) is down here, he, Monika (Tristen's friend avec squeeze) and Tristen can come around and we can corruput the girls' minds with some more DDR, until we're our own group and that becomes our "thing". Best idea ever. Glad I thought of it. :P
And I've been playing PSO: Blue Burst lately too. Ahh, memories.
Anyway, that's it for now. Gotta leave some stuff for future updates, you know. :)