100 Movie Icons in 3 Months Time. I have claimed actor Dominic Monaghan (act surprised and shocked, peeps)
I will be posting them here as I complete them.
I have collected so many brushes, textures, pictures and tutorials over the last few months that I may not be able to list them all. If you see something you've made, let me know so I can give you proper credit.
I have a list of resources credited in my user info. section. Many thanks to all those talented people who make icon making fun and easy.
50 A R T I S T ' S C H O I C E 001002003004005 006007008009010 011012013014015 016017018019020 021022023024025 026027028029030 031032033034035 036037038039040 041042043044045 046047048049050
Icon Count : 100/ 100 Last update: 9-29-06 COMPLETE