I realized I haven't posted any photos in like, forever. So, here are some from the sunset last night, taken by Matt.
Notice the cute little ones with kites
These were all taken at Boulevard Park near Fairhaven. There's a staircase near my place that goes basically directly to it :) Good times.
And here's a blurry yet pleasant pic of me :)
Yay, summer is finally here!!
Matt and I are going on a hike on Friday somewhere near Baker. That should be good times if it doesn't rain.
And the results are in... I got straight A's this quarter by some miracle of doing well on my Bio final. Take that, Mom and Dad who thought I couldn't work and still get good grades! Yeah.
Meanwhile, only a few more months of living in my little apartment. The condo deal is all closed up and I'll be able to move in sometime during the first two weeks of August. That will be a very busy month for me. Moving and going on an awesome trip with the boy to Glacier National Park for ten days. I absolutely can't wait. I need to start making mix CDs for the ride.
Well, time to go to work. Hope everyone is as happy as I am these days.