
Aug 16, 2005 20:38

These last couple weeks have been absolutely crazy! With Matt's parents being here, then a week where I worked almost 40 hours and now this week I work every day until we leave on Friday to go see Dave Matthews. Then to P-town for another night, and on the 22nd we finally leave for Glacier National Park!!!! I'm so goddamn excited. In all reality, ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

bawbay August 17 2005, 07:01:09 UTC
man...i cant wait to hit up some canadian sushi!!! im getting soooo syked for being up there! and ill be coming up early (the 15th) since im gonna be a part of the move in help crew.


A Shawno Sighting! needamocha August 17 2005, 21:02:03 UTC
I hope you have a great time. I'm so jealous that you're going to Dave. I went last year and it was amasing. I also ran into him (literally) coming out of starbucks in the u-district. He was really cool about almost spilling his drink all over me.

Anyhoo, i hope you have a great rest of summer and hopefully I'll see you in December when i get back from Semester at Sea.


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