Nothing much to say here. According to an IQ test, I am a Universal Genius. LAWLZ. You got that right, yo. Anyway. Here be 'The Search', an entry for a challenge in which my character is supposed to undergo a surreal journey and discover a sort of truth at the end.
Without further ado...
The Search )
Comments 2
But well, I'm really impressed by your style! You don't use big words, you don't use long descriptions, but you get your point across very clearly. There's a fantastical feel to the piece even if you didn't come outright and state that. I'm most impressed by your dialogue, honestly. There was an accent for the characters, and it's something I can't do no matter how much I try. It's either I type in Standard English, or broken English that doesn't make much sense. :P
I usually do use those 'big words' and/or 'long descriptions', methinks. Wait til' you read the Prologue of Stryke: In Cold Blood. As for the accent stuffs, I s'pose it's cause I like to impersonate. XD Ever heard of Russell Peters?
I'm sure you can do it if you'll just get a feel for it .^_^ (Chants of "I think I can" in background.)
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