I love how twisted his feelings and relationships are. I like the feelings and descriptions and the way everything flows together to show his regret and lack of true remorse after being warped of any feelings left to him after... what, 6 decades?
'But she must want a family one day,' he argued. 'She's so full of.. of...'
OMGSOMUCHWIN. D: I had to type all that out manually, too DDDD:
I'm kinda speechless here. You have an obvious flair for language, the characterization is fantastic (the man is friggin insane!) and the plot is just woah.
Comments 6
I love how twisted his feelings and relationships are. I like the feelings and descriptions and the way everything flows together to show his regret and lack of true remorse after being warped of any feelings left to him after... what, 6 decades?
'But she must want a family one day,' he argued. 'She's so full of.. of...'
OMGSOMUCHWIN. D: I had to type all that out manually, too DDDD:
You pwn man. Srsly. D:
*pauses and waits for this to sink in*
You know how much your opinion and approval ('specially for my written work) means to me. ^_-
If iPwn .∙. uPwn. (Sorry, addmath.)
I'm utterly speechless here. *O* *goes incohorent*
*showers with cookies*
I'll take your speechlessness as a good sign, thanks. ^_^
Great job on this one. ^^
*image of self stuck in room because of big head*
Ugh. Not a good picture.
*offers cookie?* ^__^
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