Bad juju

Jun 17, 2012 16:53

It's been way too long since I posted anything, I guess.

Well. Here's a reaction post about today's Homestuck!

That's UU.

Ahahaha!!! It explains so much!

Well, no, it doesn't, because in the typical Homestuck way it opens up a million other questions, but they're different questions from what we expected. And I've been sort of irked ever since UU was first introduced because it didn't make sense with what we know about the trolls and their sessions - I was thinking that even if it was a third iterations of Alternia's universe they would still need a 12-troll session, because that's how Alternia's session worked. So I sensed that something was wrong about it... But I trusted in AH to make sense of it eventually, and now he has.

Lord English's species.

I am blown away. O__O

And it's true. UU never actually said she was a troll. She just implied it, like so:

UU: actUally, i have written hUndreds of pages examining the striking differences between hUman and troll romance, as well as reprodUctive habits, as the comparison makes for a marveloUs case stUdy in xenobiocUltUral differences.

So she's fascinated by two different alien species, and likes comparing them. (Which makes sense since we've now been told that the "cherubs" only mate in a hateful way and find affection to be either disgusting or exotic).

And this one:

UU: not that this matters since we are alone here, bUt interestingly, in ancient troll cUltUre we woUld both be considered pariahs.
UU: for different reasons of coUrse. those of his blood coloUr were very rare, existing by way of genetic glitch only. they were oUtcasts, having no place in the social order.
UU: on the other hand, those of my blood coloUr were once actUally qUite common! bUt later they were all hUnted to extinction.

In ancient troll culture. Well. Yes! If they had been trolls, which she's not saying. Interestingly, the little tidbit about the limebloods (which is still where Karkat would have been if he had not been a mutant) still stands.

UU: details of the genocide are historically mUrky. it's one of those maddening voids in my Understanding of yoUr elaborate epic.

"Your" epic. It actually does seem to imply that the history of the trolls are not part of her own history.

Also, look at this:

UU: void players are said in texts to have a way with flUmmoxing even those with plans beyond mortal Understanding.
UU: and i'm far from anyone like that. jUst a girl who wants to help!

It made me laugh when I read it over again just now. Is UU's tongue slipping again here? "those with plans beyond mortal understanding" indeed...

So... What is this Cherub species? o_O

--It's been pretty established that UU and uu share a body, or at least only one of them is able to be active at the same time. They do have physical differences, like different blood colors. We don't know how normal this situation is for the species.

--They have different blood colors and usually type in those colors just like trolls. Though maybe the only colors are bright red and lime green. We've seen that Lord English's blood is bright red.
--Speaking of Lord English, Dirk accused UU of "pretending to be British". Ahahaha...!

--They're asocial and usually never meet other members of the same species, unless it's for mating, which is violent and always what a troll would call caliginous.
--It's still considered improper for UU and uu to hate each other enough to be attracted to each other.

--They never know their parents, because those that spawn them "precede Us by millenia."
--But they do get their "Juju" from their ancestors.

--The species has never had a home planet.

--It's been hinted that they're powerful, which... duh, Lord English!

And Calliope has to be pretty atypical for her people, because she feels lonely, and considers the humans her friends. Which doesn't jive with the asocial thing.

UU and uu are stuck on a dead (killed, not just lifeless!) planet which might or might not be Alternia (they do have an Alternian keyboard). And it seems UU actually likes it there (like she said about Jane's Land: "reminds me mUch of home. so peacefUl, so mUch space to yoUrself and time to think."), and uu doesn't, because he's desperate to get away from it.

And. CALliope. Cal is obviously involved, being a juju and all.


And that chess game they played? The trick uu pulled is extremely similar to the description of what Calmasis pulled in Rose's novel - a trick to make it possible to keep playing after the game was over. I'm still waiting to know what exactly Alpha!Rose was doing writing those books. o_O

Homestuck still gets me excited. ^_____^

meta thoughts, fanning, homestuck

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