Title: Stars Rating: pg Pairing: Jongho Genre: fluffy fluff and stuff Author/Artist Note: Minho is a girl and Jonghyun kind of sucks at life. Co-written by my favorite writer and wifey linnhe.
Oh my god, I didn't think it was possible to write Jjong this douchey, but you succeeded. And I mean that in a totally good way. And I felt bad for Minjeong because Jonghyun was an ass, really, but then she got all courageous and loud and I hope she yells at him a lot in the future. But but but are Jinki and Jjong going to make up, because they are my otp in every way and I can't bear reading Jjong ruining his friendship and dork pair. T_T
too incoherent rnmistresalieNovember 26 2011, 22:32:12 UTC
Hi I love it and I love your writing and your characters, they make me want to sob. For all sorts of reasons. ⊂((・x・))⊃ ◎ this is clueless puppy jjong and his soccer ball (>人<;) !(◎_◎;) this is minjeong with her owlishy eyes which are as huge as soccer balls ( ̄^ ̄)ゞ * ))))>
Comments 8
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Obnoxious Jonghyun is obnoxious.
What an oblivious dumbass.
And I felt bad for Minjeong because Jonghyun was an ass, really, but then she got all courageous and loud and I hope she yells at him a lot in the future.
But but but are Jinki and Jjong going to make up, because they are my otp in every way and I can't bear reading Jjong ruining his friendship and dork pair. T_T
⊂((・x・))⊃ ◎ this is clueless puppy jjong and his soccer ball (>人<;)
!(◎_◎;) this is minjeong with her owlishy eyes which are as huge as soccer balls
( ̄^ ̄)ゞ * ))))>
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