(no subject)

Jul 05, 2005 23:52

one week till i get my braces off [july 12]... 12 days until we go to camp! [july 17-23].. and 2 days until alan comes home for a little bit! YAY i have so much to look forward to :)

♥ i n f o r m a t i o n
»1. name: lauryn
»2. single or taken: single
»3. sex: girl
»4. birthday: november 19
»5. siblings: none, im an only child
»6. hair color: brown
»7. eye color: brown

»8. shoe size: im not sure
»9. height: 5'8

♥ r e l a t i o n s h i p s
»1. who are your best friends?: i have a bunch :) they know who they are 
»2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope.. single and ready mingle! haha jk that was stupid

♥ f a s h i o n | s t u f f
»1. where is your favorite place to shop: practically anywhere just no hardware places or gardening places hah
  2. any tattoos or piercings?: just one in each ear
♥ s p e c i f i c s
»1. do you do drugs?: no and never will thats just GROSSSS
»2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: panteen pro-v smooth and sleek.. smells soo good 
»3. what are you most scared of?:  idk
»4. who is the last person that called you?: well.... idk cuz once i got my cell phone everyone just seemed to stop calling for some reason 
»5. how many buddies are online right now?: 33
»6. what would you change about yourself?: idk nothing too drastic cuz i am who i am

♥ f a v o r i t e s
»1. color: any shade of blue, and pink
»2. food: asian food
»3. boys names: jeff, landon
»4. girls names: michaelle
»5. subjects in school: i have no clue 
»6. animals: kangaroo
»7. sports: to play: golf   to watch: sand volleyball
♥ h a v e | y o u | e v e r
»1. given anyone a bath?: no not that i know of
»2. smoked?: nope, thats sick
»3. bungee jumped?: no
»4. made yourself throw up?: nope
»5. skinny dipped?: teehee..
»6: ever been in love?: idk

»7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: haha i think every little kid does that at some point in their life
»8. pictured your crush naked?: no and thats just weird
»9. actually seen your crush naked?: no and thank goodness haha
»10. cried when someone died?: ya :(

»11. lied: ya.... i know its bad, sorry

»12. fallen for your best friend?: yup
»13. been rejected?: if liking someone and them not liking you back is rejection, then yes a million bajillion times
»14. rejected someone?: if not liking someone when they like you is rejecting someone, then yes - once
»15. done something you regret?: havent we all?
»16. used someone?: no thats mean

♥ c u r r e n t
»clothes: tshirt and boy shorts
»make-up: none

»annoyance: neat freaks that are neat to the extreme.. a lil mess wont kill you
»smell: air

»favorite group/artist: i dont have a favorite
»desktop picture: a pic of my cousins alan and jeff
»in cd player: none cuz i just listen to my ipod or itunes

♥ l a s t | p e r s o n
»you touched: i hugged my mom before she went to bed
»hugged: my mom
»you imed: kyle
»you yelled at: nobody in person, just someone through iM haha taylor

»you kissed: i fake kissed some people at rachelles house if that counts

♥ o p p o s i t e | s e x
»what attracts you: personality, smile 8D, sense of humor, n other stuff
»last person you slow danced with: trevor at the 8th grade dance
»makes you laugh the most: everytime i talk to april and amanda i like cry cuz im laughin so hard, but theres def other people too 
»makes you smile: almost everyone :)
»who do you have a crush on: i'm sure you know cuz it seems like the whole world does.. but im just not going to blab it out

♥ d o | y o u | e v e r
»sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?:  no i think i did once cuz he said he'd get on or somethin but i forgot when that was..
»wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: hmm i wonder what it would be like to be a boy.. i mean at certain times it would be cool but i absolutely love bein a girl!
»wish you were younger: at times..
»cried because someone said something to you?: ya cuz it was extremely mean

♥ N u m b e r
»of times i have had my heart broken: idk nobodys really broken my heart, just made me a lil sad but thats it
»of hearts i have broken: none that i know of
»of guys ive kissed: none
»of girls ive kissed: i fake kissed rachelle and brianne haha but it was a FAKE kiss
»of continents you've been to?: uhhh if cozumel is in south america then ive been to 2 cuz ive been to north america too, cuz i live here
»of tight friends: idk but i have some pretty tight friends that mean everything to me
»of cds i own: idk i dont count those kinda things
»of scars on my body: a few from mosquito bites

♥ F i n a l | Q u e s t i o n s
»1. do you like fillings these out?: when i am bored and two of your best friends leave you to go to bed haha thats what just happend
»2. gold or silver: white gold or silver
»3. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: the perfect man
»4. favorite cartoon/anime?: family guy... idk
»5. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: nothing, i dont usually eat breakfast cuz i wakeup at lunch time haha
»6. who would you love being locked in a room with?: i have been locked in a room with someone! haha that was fun
»7. could you live without your computer?: it would be hard cuz i love talkin to people online, but i wouldnt die without it
»8. would you color your hair? im not sure
»9. could you ever get off the computer?: ofcourse!

»10. habla espanol?: si senor/senorita. yo fue en espanol para dos anos :)
»11. how many people are on your buddy list?: 205
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