So it's time for a picture post yes? First, apartment pictures. Just the living room but it's all pretty cool.
Things have been going pretty awesome around here lately. I've had a kickass weekend so far. We had pizza when I got home yesterday. It was sooooo good. Then Chunk came over and we went to Southgate House to watch a Rockabilly band which was fuckin awesome. We went out to the porch between sets to get some air and low and behold who do I see in the bar but Ash and Tim!!!!!! What a weird coinsidence seeing them there. It was great! Tim..remember to email me that picture from when we had lunch with your dad.
On the school front, things are awesome. I cut Aaron's hair today. We went with a pomp' style. It turned out amazingly well. I impressed myself. Now if I could just figure out how to style it.
Sarah = Funniest person EVER
Yeah I know what you're thinkin. Damn that's some long hair. At least that's what I keep tellin myself to feel better about growin it.
Ho train.
Well that's about it for me. I'm so beat.