Name: Shannon
Zodiac: pisces
What time is it?: time for you to get a watch
Are you sensitive?: like you wouldn't believe
Last Person Who ...
Slept in your bed: um, me?
Saw you cry: my mom
Made you cry: ACHOO.. too bad only like, two people know who im talking about...aaannnyways
Spent the night at your house: Caccy probs
You shared a drink with: stelanie at prax
You went to the movies with: errr dunno
You went to the mall with: char and kel
Yelled at you: my mom
Sent you an e-mail: a REAL email? duno. livejoural?
Said they were going to kill you: Ian
Said "I Love You" and meant it: no one loves me... nahh jk, um, mom? heas perhaps
Have you ...
Gotten into a fight with your pet?: that's such a weird question, who gets into fights with their pets?
Been to New York?: yeppp
Been to Florida?: 13 years of my life baby
Been to California?: yes
Hawaii?: it's on my list
Mexico?: baja
China?: no
Canada?: haha yes, the best time i've EVER had.
Danced naked?: can't say that i have
Stalked someone: es possible...i think i stalked david bligh when i was a freshman....
Had a mud bath?: no
Wished you were the opposite sex?: sometimes. they have it way easy
Had an imaginary friend?: no
Backstreet Boys or N Sync?: Backstreet boys!
Wal-Mart or Target?: target s'il vous plait (to be pronounced, tarjayy)
Spring or Fall?: fall
Math or English?: english
What are you going to do after you finish this survey?: eat
What is the last meal you ate?: lunch at school
Are you mentally all there?: insane in the membrane, INSANE IN THE BRAIN
Are you bored?: no, just procrastinating
Last movie you saw?: Laws of Attraction yesterday when i did a total of NO homework
Last noise you heard?: the fire alarm go off, cauz my house was burning down. not really.
Which One of Your Friends ...
Laughs the weirdest: kelly after she laughs so hard she starts to lose oxygen
Will grow up and be a model?: lauren
Have you known the longest?: Alli Harris is my loverrr
Is the loudest?: kerry M
Is the quietest?: Emily Brown
Is the funniest?: lately this award has been going to marygrace. she is quite the character
Is the moodiest?: haha. myself
About Your Friends:
Who can you tell most of your secrets to?: kelly perhaps
Name your best buds: no. lol. they know who they are
Who do you usually go to about all your problems?: heaslip. hah i love you. and kel.
Last Few Questions:
Last time you went out of state: um. yesterday
Lucky number(s): 24, 8, 12,
Things you like in a girl?: can we say lesbian question?
Weirdest thing about you?: ohh too many to count my friend
Do you like someone?: perhaps
What do you think about Ouija Boards?: never tried one. don't think they really work actually
What book are you reading now?: Angela's Ashes
Best feeling in the world:
What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: kill me.
How many rings before you answer the phone?: my cell, one. the regular phone, i let the rents handle mostly
Future daughters names?:
Future sons names?:
Chocolate or Vanilla?: chocolate chocolate vanilla ice cream
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: yeasss
If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?: ambassador to a francofone country
What is your favorite Snapple?: pink lemonade
Lefty, righty, or ambidextrous?: lefty. holla (ps- allie LEFTHANDERS ARE NOT RETARDED)
Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?: haha hell no. if it wasn't for AIM i would've never learned
Favorite sport to watch: basketball, swimming.
bored bored bored.