Fic: Desire's Thrall (Or, Romance Novel Nightmare), Chapter 11

Mar 02, 2010 09:02

Title: Desire's Thrall (Or, Romance Novel Nightmare)
Chapter 11
Author: she_burns1
Pairing: Bret/Jemaine, Bret/Jemayn, Bretta/Jemayn ('ll make sense when you read it)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,722
Summary: Bret gets transported into a romance novel. No, really.
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The plot is all mine. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Note: Crack!Fic, pretty cracktacular here as far as how quickly things fall apart - but, hey, should still be a helluva read! :)
Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Bret didn't know if it was a good idea to attempt to stay here - especially considering Eugenios' warning - but he didn't see what other choice he had.

The puzzle laid out before him had no answer that he could see and frankly, he felt no desire to solve it. As time passed, he found he rather enjoyed his life here. True, it didn't hold the exact same thrill as New York, but the weather was warming and the house was growing on him.

And then there was Jemayn to consider.

After another successful round of lovemaking, Bret found he didn't want to leave this man. After all, he looked like Jemaine, smelled like Jemaine, sounded like Jemaine - true, he was different, in his way, but his differences, which, at first, had so infuriated (and sometimes, frightened) Bret had grown to be oddly endearing.

And there was no real work involved with Jemayn.

The man loved him.

He loved him.

And true, Bret had no memories of earning it, but, despite how selfish it was, he didn't care. He found himself desperate for Jemayn's touches and kisses and just...for Jemayn.

Bret wondered if he could talk him into getting glasses...

Not that it mattered.

Jemayn was just as good as Jemaine. And Bret didn't want Jemaine. Right? No, of course not. Besides, that life was behind him now. He had made his choice. Right?

Bret sighed as he walked downstairs. Both men had finally cleaned up and changed into their clothes. Jemayn left the room first, saying he wanted to speak with Taika before they departed to purchase Bret's instrument. Bret, finding his stomach growling, headed in the direction of the kitchen deciding to get a bite to eat.

He entered the kitchen and cast his eyes about, wondering where Socorra might be, but instead of finding her, he found another woman. She looked sort of mousy, her brown hair not well brushed and when her eyes met his, he was startled to recognize her, "Brahbrah?"

She sighed heavily, "Barbara, will you not ever learn?"

"Oh. Sorry. Barbara," Bret scratched at the back of his head, "'s-it's Barbara here, huh? Funny."

"How is my name humorous?" she asked sharply.

Bret swallowed, "It's not. 'S just...never mind. Can I get something to eat, maybe?"

She scowled at him, "I don't know. Can you?"

Bret frowned, his eyebrows knitting together, "'M...sorry, did I...did I do something to upset you?"

She laughed dryly, "Now that is funny. Do you know how long I've been here? Years. Just as long as you. In fact, you and I were taken in together. Hmm? Lived in the same village when these....barbarians came. And that's what they are. Barbarians. And I never forgot, I never forgave - but you-"

She grabbed a dish towel off a counter and threw it at him, "You, you just curled up and forgot and got silent and you never, ever, ever acknowledged me! You, who so love animals, you never even said a word when these barbarians came into our village and slaughtered all our livestock, slaughtered my dog, you just - you - you-" she tugged at her hair, "You just went right along with it and now, now, you sleep in one of their beds - you sleep with the worst of them. Our master. Our owner."

Bret blinked, stunned by this unexpected outburst, "No, wait, Brahbrah-"

"Barbara!" she shrieked.

"Barbara," he repeated, trying to calm her down, " Look I don't...I'm sure you heard...I don't remember a lot since...since I was taken so, I don't...I don't know what you're talking about, but...but I'm sure it's not...can't...can't be true-"

She laughed again, the sound cold and cruel, "Trust me, it is. Always has been. And the moment we came here, the moment you set eyes on that filthy, axe-wielding invader, I knew. I knew. I used to lust after you, did you know? Of course you don't. But I did. Back in the village. Stars in my eyes, but when you saw're sick, do you know that? Sick and depraved and what you do with him...I clean the sheets! I know! Everyone knows, but everyone just turns their head. Socorra, Liesa, even Keithana, but not me!"

Bret swallowed thickly, wondering anxiously how everything had spun out of control so quickly as he asked, "What do you mean?"

"I told you. Unlike you, I never forgot. And I never forgave. I swore I would get my revenge. I would get vengeance. I wanted it on Muiredach, I wanted it on the man who brought us here, but I have settled just as well for his son. Just as well for the man you bed. They're responsible. They're all responsible. They took my heart from me, so I planned to return the same. 'Twas easy enough to get hold of Sarah and Marcus and once they knew-"


"Of course it was!" she snapped, "It was easy. No one notices me. No one. They never even say my name right."


"I all ready told you!" she roared and Bret wished he had noticed before that she now brandished a rather nasty looking knife at him. He held up his hands in self defense, "Brah...Barbara...stop...look...don't...put that down. Okay? Jemayn'll be down any minute and if he sees you-"

She threw back her head and laughed, "Did he go to see Taika? I am sure he did...too bad for him that Marcus will be waiting for him. Don't you see? While you, and every other individual in this house was enclosed in their baser needs, I secreted Marcus, Sarah, and a host of Trailians into the household...I suspect many a person to be dead right about now."

Bret felt his eyes begin to water, "You're lying."

"Oh, I'm not. I'm really not. Would you care to see them? The dead bodies I'm sure are behind every other door-"


"And do you know who's fault it is, hmm? It's not just that bastard Jemayn and his father's's yours. If you had just been a good little thrall and died at Marcus' hands, none of this would have happened. My revenge would all ready be complete. Jemayn destroyed my heart and I would have destroyed his-"

Bret tugged at his hair, "You're crazy! Do you know that! Crazy! Jemayn didn't kill your dog or destroy our village or-or-"

"Silence!" she cried and drew back the knife, prepared to leap for Bret when suddenly a hand tapped her shoulder. She turned, startled, only to receive a hard punch to the jaw.

"Loren!" Bret cried, elated and he rushed towards his rescuer, hugging her. Loren hugged him quickly but drew back, hissing as she rubbed at her knuckles, "Witch has a tough face..."

Barbara lay on the ground, groaning, Bret looked at her and shook his head, "Loren, Loren, she-"

"I know. I heard. Taika was up early this morning, he saw the Trailians creeping towards the house-"

"So...they're...all ready taken care of?"

Loren shook her head, "No, no, I'm afraid not. They are here. Crawling all over like spiders, popping out of dark corners. We had to let them in to find the leak."

"But...but Socorra, the others-"

Loren sighed, "Taika and I gathered the ones we most trusted and, with their help, kept eyes on those we did not. I was just about to spy on Brahbrah when I saw her with you-"

"What about Jemayn? Where is he?"

Loren opened her mouth, about to answer when the roar of men crying out in battle broke loose. She cursed, "My guess is outside with Taika...the subterfuge is over. The war has begun."

"I've got to get to Jemayn!" Bret cried and Loren nodded, "Come with me."

She took his hand and led him to a wall covered in weapons. She grabbed a long sword for herself, then, looking Bret up and down, she handed him a small dagger, "'Tis not the world's best weapon, but for you, shall suffice."

"I've never...I'm not-"

"You must be armed, if we're to enter the field of battle," she insisted and he nodded weakly. He followed her outside and was stunned when he saw the sight before him. Men were fighting left and right, the sound of steel clashing loud in the air. Bret swallowed again, feeling sick, when suddenly a lean figure approached them, a sword raised, "Ah, if it isn't the ladies of the household."

Loren laughed with no humor, "And if it isn't Lady Sarah...siding with Trailians...and here I thought you could sink no lower."

"Better than you," Sarah muttered, brandishing her sword at the other woman as she sneered at Bret, "Condoning what you do. Letting such a thing happen in this household."

"And you would have stopped it?"

"Aye, if I had been the lady of the household, as is my right-"

"You lost the right the moment you chose to sail off to Marcus," Loren muttered and spit on the ground near Sarah's feet, "That is all you're worth and not a spot more. Now come, we are ladies...let us fight like them."

Sarah charged forward, releasing a piercing battle cry but Loren easily swatted her off, her sword skill impressive, as she said heartily, "You forget. I am married to one of the finest swordsmen in the land. 'Twould be foolhardy to not have him teach me a trick or two. Face it. You are out of your league."

Sarah ignored this and thrust again, only to have another hit deflected, Loren seemed almost bored as she cried to Bret, "Go! Find Jemayn, I'll handle this baggage!"

Bret nodded weakly and darted away. He looked around, scared out of his wits, as men fought around him, the sickening copper smell of blood in the air. He came close to the Drop, his eyes searching in vain for Jemayn when suddenly he felt something lash at his back.

He cried out, startled at the wave of pain that washed through him as he fell to the ground. He landed on his knees but he moved quickly, turning over to see Marcus with his sword raised, "Pathetic! You have not a bit of warrior in you!"

Marcus thrust at him and Bret rolled away. Marcus' sword sank into the dirt and Bret drew out his dagger. He whimpered as he slashed out with it quickly. Marcus let out a scream, his hands leaving his sword handle for a moment as he clutched at his left cheek, "You son of a bitch! You cut my face!"

Bret could see the blood on the dagger and his stomach turned. Oh flip. He was going to be sick! Just as Bret felt as if he was about to vomit, Marcus got his sword free and slashed at Bret again. Bret avoided it, but only just.

"Fight like a man, you coward!" Marcus roared, swiping at Bret once more. Bret dodged this as well and wished like hell that he could just run. Back in New York he would have run. Run and run and run until he got back into the apartment. Back into safety and he hadn't thought of that in forever. Running from those muggers. Leaving Jemaine.

But this wasn't a mugger and he hadn't left Jemaine, he hadn't left...

But he had thought of it.

Eugenios words came back to him. You cannot stay here. You're getting what you want, but not what you need. You are so close to the solution but soon things will begin to unravel.

Things were unraveling.

But Bret wasn't close to the solution, he hadn't been close, had he? Eugenios had to have been lying because...

The answer lies through water. What answer?

Bret looked at Marcus and time seemed to go in slow motion as the man swung at him yet again with his mighty sword and Bret knew he couldn't avoid the swipes forever. Eventually one would catch him, one would cut him, one would split him in two...

But for some reason his mind was now caught up in the puzzle he had forgotten for so many hours. The puzzle of how to leave and of Jemayn and Jemaine and of the niggling feeling in the back of his mind.

He thought of running off the Deep, of diving into the cold, water, he thought of kissing Jemayn, he thought of Jemaine's glasses, he thought of both men and they melted together, merged in his mind and that feeling, that niggling was worse than ever, and he felt a tidal wave of emotions flood through him, running together, in tandem.

And then, just as soon as it started it stopped. The weird, niggling feeling in the back of his mind became mysteriously quiet and still and suddenly he heard his mind whisper to him an undeniable fact that he had been trying so valiantly to deny.

Two emotions had been strong in him since this began: Fear and Love.

One person, no matter what his name, had been on his mind: Jemayn and Jemaine.







Bret looked at Marcus and avoided another swipe of the sword, but only by falling back, landing on his backside and he lay there, stunned, eyes wide as the realization settled over him like a blanket.

But just as quickly as everything had slid into slow motion, it became quick again and Marcus began to lunge downward with his sword. And then it all, everything, happened so quickly Bret didn't even have time to blink.

In one moment, the tip of the sword came towards him and in the next, Jemayn's face was before his own, his hands reached for him and Jemayn's mouth open, an indescribable sound leaving him, as the sword pierced through him.

Bret gasped, startled as Jemayn fell over him, a bright silver blade tip sticking out from his chest. Marcus, also surprised, withdrew his sword quickly from Jemayn, his voice a surprised breath, "You...? Where...?"

"Should be more worried about me!" Taika hissed from behind Marcus and, with one, smooth, strong motion, he decapitated the man before him, his axe sliding through the man's neck like butter.

Bret couldn't even fathom that.

He couldn't fathom anything past the red flower of blood blossoming from Jemayn's chest, spilling on to him. Bret started shaking his head, started trembling, his voice a terrified whimper, "Oh no, no, no, no..."

Bret turned Jemayn in his arms, held him, Jemayn's head resting against the crook of one elbow and Jemayn's eyelids fluttered, his lips parted, blood starting to coat his teeth, "'re safe?"

"Jemayn," Bret whispered, "Jemayn, Jemayn..."

Jemayn's eyes turned sluggishly to Taika, "Did...use my do that?"

Taika merely snorted, "Matters not, rest, the battle is nearing its' end, I'll get you help-"

"'S'not...needed," Jemayn wheezed and coughed, more blood escaping him, "Thrust of the sword...was...guh...true..."

Taika ignored him and left. Bret held Jemayn close, rocked him, "No, no, come on, come on...stronger than me...stronger than'll-you'll be fine..."

"Not...strong as you," Jemayn breathed, eyelashes fluttering, "This matching set," his hand weakly brushed where Bret, Bretta, had been stabbed long ago,"'Twill kill me..."


"To die in die'tis a glorious thing."

"No!" Bret shouted viciously, shaking Jemayn, "No! I said I'd stay! I said...and you, you said you wouldn' wouldn't....said he was said you wouldn't..."

Jemayn grew paler by the second, the blood flowing more freely now and his eyes looked glassy as his hand fell from Bret to lay limply at his side, "Bret..."

"Don't you see?" Bret sobbed, "I...I figured it out," his vision clouded, foggy with tears, " you..."

Jemayn gave a weak rasp that resembled something of a laugh as he brushed a hand at Bret's cheek, "Ah...Bret...the answer...lies through...water..."

Bret felt big, wet tears begin to roll down his cheeks and then everything went white.

fotc, fotc: bret/jemaine, fan fiction

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