Fic: Worth It

Jun 07, 2010 22:41

Okay, so, my writing has slowed to a snail's pace as of late because I've been feeling like my writing fan fic is sort of a) pointless and b) that said fic is bad.

I've been reading a lot of other fan fiction from various others that I just feel is overly stellar in comparison to my own - AKA - I've been in a rut ever since.

And then, this...

Title: Worth It
Author: she_burns1
Pairing: Bret/Jemaine, outside Mel, mentions of Bret/Mystery Man
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1,899
Summary: Mel questions whether traveling through a snowstorm to see the boys is worth it...
Prompt: Bret/Jemaine/Mel, snowbound
Warnings: Voyeurism! Sudoko! Basically an excuse for me to write quick, PWP man!sex!
Disclaimer: All recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The plot is all mine. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Note: So, I was in a mood and felt like writing this - the idea came from a prompt on the Porn Battle IX (which I missed!) and, considering it was too late to offer up, I didn't see the harm in taking the prompt and running with it in whatever fashion I saw fit. EverGreen Trails is real and does have cabins - so, if you want to get your mind a-scenery a-flowin', check the page out! Past that, enjoy the smutty smut below...

So, it had snowed a little bit.

Okay, okay, okay - it had snowed a LOT a bit.

Like...maybe ten inches.

But had been worth it?

Mel liked to think so.

She had had to do a lot of cajoling to get Doug to trek her all the way up here, but now here she was! Six hours away from New York City and in the breath-taking wilderness of Allegany County at the luxurious EverGreen Trails campground! And, more importantly, the site of the next Flight of the Conchords concert!

Mel found it terribly romantic - the unbridled woods all around them, the hush of falling snow (still, falling...huh...), the idea that music couldn't be defeated by mere weather conditions.

It had taken a bit more elbow grease to find out where Bret and Jemaine's cabin was - but! - once that had been settled, and once Doug had been settled (now in their cabin, which was conveniently close to the boys'), Mel had finally, finally found some peace of mind. well as a way to sneak out!

She distracted Doug with a new Sudoko book (ah, Sudoko! Nothing else could keep Doug occupied better!), then announced she was going to bed, stating that she wanted to be up bright and early for the boys' show.

Once he was out of the picture, she eased out one of the tiny windows and, as quietly as possible in light of the crunching snow underfoot, she made her way to the boys' place.

She crept quietly, breath fogging in the air, and when she reached their window she peered in curiously, wondering what she might see. She had imagined them both jamming together in preparation or maybe giving each other soothing backrubs to relax their nerves.

What she did not expect to see was both of them on either end of the one room cabin, not facing one another, their arms crossed, faces set in anger.


Mel's heart ached at the sight.

What had happened?!

Why were her sweet, lovely, soft-lipped boys fighting? She could only assume they were fighting - their postures suggesting as much.

She leaned a little closer, her nose bumping the glass and she gasped, ducking down, worried they might have overheard her. Once a few minutes had passed she lifted her head to peek in again, hoping not to be caught (or maybe hoping to be caught, it was hard to say...)

However, she was in luck, as neither man had changed position. Mel bit her bottom lip, frowning. Shoot! If only she could hear them...

Her gloved fingers itched to try the windowsill, but she was worried if she eased it up even in the slightest they would hear her. Besides, she would never encroach herself on their privacy. She was much too much of a loyal fan to do that...


Her head tilted from side to side as she thought about it, trying to make up her mind when suddenly Jemaine twirled on his heels. She gasped, ducking a second time, but this time coming up much more quickly.

No, no, Jemaine hadn't seen her. No, instead he was jabbing one finger in Bret's direction. She could almost hear him, his voice was that loud.

Something like...

" know how that looks..."

Then another voice, Bret's.

" one could see Jemaine. We were alone."

"That's the problem! Stuck up here-" Mel couldn't hear anymore, Jemaine's voice level lowering and she cursed, not wanting to miss out. She turned her head, ear just lightly touching the cold glass, "-and there you go with that-that..."

It was indistinct again and Mel was just about to try her luck with the windowsill when Bret suddenly marched across the room to Jemaine and stood in front of him, his finger now jabbing in his friend's face.

Mel felt like crying.

To see her two lovely, sweet, sexy boys fighting...

She heard herself gasp, a sort of watery sob, and she tried to pull herself together. It was so cold outside...if she cried, the tears would probably freeze to her face.

Oh boys, boys, boys...

Fighting, why would they be-?

And then, suddenly, the scene changed and Mel let out another, all together different gasp, as Jemaine grabbed Bret by the collar of his shirt violently and shook him. Shook him and shook him and - Mel let out a squeak - he kissed him!

She covered her mouth with her hands.

She blinked repeatedly.

Had she-?

Had she-?!

No, no, no!

She couldn't have seen-?!

Then Jemaine let Bret go, and it looked like he was breathing hard, looked like he was still angry and Bret, Bret looked angry too. Angry and confused and...


Mel knew that look.

If anyone knew that look, Mel did.

Bret grabbed Jemaine just as hard and drew him back, their mouths fusing together once more. Mel let out a heavy breath, the window steaming up before her. Wow. Wow. Wow...

Mel shook her head, feeling like her mind and heart were going to simultaneously implode, a ridiculous smile spreading across her face, a squeal of pure joy right at the back of her throat.

Jemaine's hands were twisted in the material of Bret's shirt, his head tilting to one side, mouth hungry as he practically devoured his friend and Bret was just as unkind, his hands whipping Jemaine's glasses off, tossing them aside before his hands went to the waistband of Jemaine's jeans, gripping hard, slamming their hips together.

Mel moaned and the sound came out oddly masculine.

No, oh, wait, no...she had heard...just barely heard...

Screw this!

Mel gripped the windowsill and drew it up just enough.

Jemaine and Bret were much easier to hear now, their groans filtering out loudly. Bret moaning, "Always wanted this...wanted you..."

Jemaine just growled and Mel bit her bottom lip, squeezing her legs together and trying to ignore the heat building there so she could concentrate on the scene going on before her.

Jemaine dragged Bret's shirt over his head, his mouth feasting on the crook of Bret's neck as Bret unzipped his friend's jeans, started to ease them off his hips, only to have them snag halfway down. Jemaine drew away slightly, snarling, "Christ...not...not easy..."

"Never thought it would be," Bret panted, the most delicious grin on his face, "...maybe should take a second...get undressed proper..."

"Right," Jemaine breathed and he drew his own shirt over his head, finished shimming out of his jeans, soon clad in nothing but his underwear. He had thought Bret would do the same, but instead, Bret merely pushed Jemaine back until he reached the sole, small bed in the cabin.

Jemaine landed on it in a heap, looked up hungrily at a shirtless Bret, "Aren't you...?"

He didn't get much farther before Bret was overtop of him, kissing every exposed inch of flesh he saw, hands swiftly easing the other man's underwear down. Jemaine lay there, naked and vulnerable and Bret wasted no time taking the full length of his friend's aching, hard member into his mouth.


Bret released him, mouthing the tip, " that...God...can keep calling me that, if you like..."

Jemaine just squeezed his eyes shut, moaning in ecstasy, as Bret continued to give him a blisteringly good blowjob. Bret's head worked smoothly, up and down, up and down, lips and tongue and just a little bit of teeth and fuck, who knew it would be this good?

Jemaine had fallen away from loud cries to shivering whimpers, his orgasm building quickly and he wanted to warn his friend, wanted him to know...

But Bret just gripped Jemaine's thighs' harder, urged his hips up and, oh, oh, oh...

Jemaine came, Bret's name echoing off the cabin walls as wave after wave of pleasure washed over him, body shaking with the weight of his orgasm. Bret finally released him, licking his lips, all smiles, cheeks flushed red, "You liked that, huh?...and don't one saw..."

Bret was wrong.

Mel had a hand to her throat and she was worried that, at any moment, she was going to collapsed into a quivering, convulsing heap in the snow. And god, she would probably melt the snow at this point, she had never seen anything so fucking hot...never seen something so-

And then Jemaine rolled Bret beneath him, all serene, voice cool, "My turn...don't you think?"

And Bret swallowed, eager, and while he was nodding, so was Mel.

Jemaine bit his full bottom lip as he undid Bret's pants, remarking softly, "Um...sorry. Mean...for earlier..."

Bret eased upwards and kissed him gently, voice soft, "S' can't help it...big idiot..."


Bret just chuckled and Jemaine sighed, muttering, "It's...hard...uh...undressing you. I've never..."

Bret just shook his head and began to help Jemaine undress him. Now they were both naked and Jemaine looked at him, desperate and wanting and so lost, remarking quietly, sadly, "Want much...but don't-don't..."

"Shh..." Bret whispered and kissed Jemaine and then, then, he took two of Jemaine's fingers and eased them into his mouth. Jemaine swallowed thickly as Bret sucked them, liberally soaking them, before releasing them, easing his friend's hand downward.

Jemaine felt his face grow hot, fingers just barely touching the entrance, "H-Here...?"

Bret nodded, " gentle..."

" do this with him?"

"Hey...don't ruin this..." Bret pleaded.

"Sorry. 'S just...I sort of," Jemaine struggled, "The idea of you with...I like to think," he let out a huff, "You're mine, you know."

Bret's eyebrows rose and he blinked quizzically, " Didn't know that..."

"You are," Jemaine assured him as his fingers gently entered him, "Mine and mine alone."

"Ohhh," Bret moaned, arching into it, "Sh-show me..."

Jemaine just grunted, fingers moving in deeper, turning, searching, and then Bret let out a keening cry, the sound, more than any other words, confirming that Jemaine was doing something right.

Jemaine moaned with it, moaned with his friend, moaned at the idea of Bret's pleasure and he worked that spot, again and again until Bret's head seemed to motion him down for another kiss.

Jemaine took his mouth, the kiss sloppy but full of meaning, and Bret was pushing back onto Jemaine's fingers, his hand, moaning raggedly, his mouth drawing away voice a loud whisper, "Not...not long now..."


Bret just answered with increasingly louder cries. Jemaine rested his forehead against his friend's, " you."

Bret came then, Jemaine's name leaving him, tears escaping and, even as he came down from the delirious high of his climax, he kept crying. Jemaine shushed him, holding him close, rocking him in a half-assed manner as he whispered, "It's's okay...I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"...don't be sorry, you dickhead!" Bret squeaked, chest heaving, "I love you, too!"

Jemaine frowned, "But....but you're...crying?"

"It's happy crying."

" such thing."

"There is."




"Yes, look, I'm the one who's doing the crying so, trust me...I'm just," Bret sniffled, "Waited so long and...never-never thought..."

"Shh...let's, um, can we kiss some more?"

Bret gave a watery hiccup of a laugh and kissed Jemaine again.

Mel had all ready drawn away from the window and, as she trudged back to her cabin, she had not only made up her mind to make vicious love to Doug, but also to make some time to do a snow dance or something that would keep them here longer so she could take future, clandestine trips to the boys' window.

She sighed as the snow continued falling.

Had it been worth it?

She grinned manically.


Let me know what you think!

fotc, fotc: bret/jemaine, fan fiction

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