I'm not going to do a detailed review, because I don't feel up to it, but I did want to jot some quick thoughts.
1) I FUCKING LOVE RORY! I am so glad they did a bit of a bigger focus on him this episode and I have never ever been as pissed at a show as I was when I thought they were implying that Amy didn't love Rory but loved the Doctor instead. Because, for real, RORY. He is just about the best damned husband in the universe. He waited for her for years - so I was getting ready to be epically filled-with-rage if they tried to sell him short. But they didn't! Amy loves him and his stupid face and the Doctor is her BFF! Just as it should be! ♥
2) Canton - you glorious gay bastard I fucking love you too! You're so awesome! Please come back! Please introduce us to your no doubt fine man, whom you love and want to marry! So much squee there! I love men who love men! ♥ ♥ ♥
3) So...I really am digging the Doctor/River thing? Which is...weird. I used to hate River. Like - a lot. But she's really grown on me. And her interactions with the Doctor are great. Again, I think it's because in my mind I can keep it seperate - Ten/Rose and Eleven/River - nice and clear.
4) Back to Rory - um, he's becoming attractive to me? The 60s glasses? Holy shit! I didn't even recognize him at first, he was so smoking. Hence the new icon *points* Ah, the icon - his lips and lil' bit of scruff and glasses...okay, so more than 'becoming' attracted, I guess.
5) The episode over all - eh? The Doctor seemed a bit, dunno, bloodthristy in regards to the whole Silence gang? I think Nine and Ten would have handled that whole bit totally different but *shrugs* guess that's that then. Eleven = Cold BAMF? Long and short - don't know how I feel about that. Don't really know how I feel about the whole episode overall - it seemed - disjointed? I think that's the best way to describe it, so I just choose to focus on the things I did like - Rory, Canton, Doctor/River and Rory/Amy.
6) And added tag - the episode next week looks sort of LOL overall - like it was shot on some High School stage or something. Maybe it'll look better when I actually see it. I imagine a lot of people'll dig Pirate!Amy. And the kid? Still really want to know what her deal is - so I'll stay tuned.