Title: The Curse of Connection Series
Part 2: Pleasurable The Poison
Author: she_burns1
Word Count: 6,617
Rating: Adult
Warnings: Language, sensuality, mentions of sex
Characters: Sherlock/John
Summary: Sherlock and John deal with the ramifications of the ‘curse’ as well as the secrets it revealed.
Disclaimers: I own nothing.
Author's Note: A
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Comments 29
(And if you don't mind me channeling my inner grammar nazi!Sherlock... You shorten "it is" to "it's" correctly, but when you use the possessive "its" as in "The moment he stopped talking seemed to ring abnormally loud with its’ silence" you don't need an apostrophe after the s. This might explain it better. I wouldn't mention it at all except that it shot me out of the story every time it happened.)
I don't want anything that'll take someone out of the story, so thanks so much for pointing this out! I shall have to go through this mother and fix all of that! It's so hard to find an all over beta - you know - spelling, grammer, AND brit!picking!
I am glad that I managed to keep it in character, too - I always, always, always agonize over that sort of thing! Thanks for reading and especially for helping!!!! :D
(Yes, I seriously just left a comment to express my absolute frustration that this AWESOME FIC does not have its third yet.)
It's both beautiful and hot at the same time. I love the characterization.
Especially love the scene where John's checking Sherlock's heart... isn't he such a tease!
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