I know that I just keep doing this, but I wanted to point out that I'm still around. I've neglected this fandom for a while due to life being hectic, but I'm working on coming back. Life just got too busy with work, stage managing, moving, and four different LJs
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Comments 2
I haven't commented on your fanfiction before, but I recently came across your John/George writings on lennonharrison and I thought they were fantastic.
If you need a little nudge in the fandomy direction, I just started a Beatles slash drabbling community, cellarfulofboys. It's invite-only, so if you'd like to join, just go to Manage >> Communities >> Manage Community Invitations and reply to the invitation. The first post is here, if you'd like to check it out. It's just a fun little place to raise plot-bunnies.
I hope you'll join! I asked for feedback from some other Beatles slashers on who to invite, and we all agreed on you. Glad to hear that you're planning on making a comeback! :)
I joined! I've been having trouble writing just in general the past few months, so maybe a challenge comm is what I need. Can't wait!
Thanks so much for thinking of me! I'm flattered!
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