Ah! you're the most perfect candidate. yay now we have a date. I have some perfect spots in boulder city too and just with that I have all this crazy ideas bc youre just so beautiful! yessss. love you<3333 and holy heck i miss you dearly.
i miss you too! a lot. just let me know. i've been really anxious to do at least some kind of modeling. so it's great that you want me to! and boulder city does have really cool spots. let me know. love you.
alright i will find out my schedule on sunday and i will tell you all the rest... i am getting a new camera for my bday and youre too freakin perfect for my first project on the new cam.. i cant wait.. ill call you all about it
i have to depend more on my photoshop and picture skills bc i have to wait until i get a professional camera for my bday. so lets be digitial together? haha so yes lets make a date. hey, and im off thursday!?! whats your day off?
yesterday and today. tomorrow i'm going out for megan's bday after work... i forget what days i'm off next week. i'll check and then we'll figure out a time for next week k? we better hang out SOON though
wow. that picture of elliot smith is amazing. i really like it. and that's sooooo good about your job! you will have extra money to live when you move north! yippie! maybe i need to move to vegas for the fall semester and get a sweet job like yours ;) haha.
YOURE HIRED! i seriously am getting a little too excited about all this talk, you have no idea. im seriously going to stop my shopaholic-ness and save up if we're really going to find an apt. one day up north. how amazing are weeeee?!?!? I cant wait.. til saturday..til we become roomies...until we're old (age:69) and emailing each other still... haha... <3 love you
Comments 21
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(that's the way i like it though. shhh, don't tell!)
actually today?
you're lucky that you saw him. I have a friend who saw his very last show... gahhhh gives me tingles.
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