Mrs. Barwell's daughter's friend Catie sent me some pictures of St. Andrews (she's been really nice and answered a bunch of my questions about it.) Anyway, these are the pictures.
Aren't they absolutely amazing? How could I possibly go anywhere else? I'm hoping she'll send me a couple of pictures with students in them, too. She says a lot of people there are preppy, but in a british way. Not that I try to judge people about things like that, but hopefully there aren't too many preppy people because wow, there sure are a lot here. A change would be nice. More people with blue mohawks, for example, would be appreciated.
Then I also wanted to add the photographs from my hinduism class visiting a hindu temple in Mass. That was an awesome fieldtrip, btw. Even the bus ride, though long, was really fun - I got to hang out with Leigh, Nobu, Chris, and Devin who are in the other class, and we played cards in the back of the bus. It was such a lovely break from this stressful, prep-school bubble; we acted like normal people for once and had fun. hehehehehehehe.
I'm the one in the front with the long skirt, jean jacket, and lots of hair.
This one is farther back, so you can actually see the real front of the temple. it was soo pretty, but even cooler on the inside - there were statues of Sri (it was a Sri Laksmi temple) and of Ganesha and Visnu and Siva and a bunch of other gods, all dressed up with their own little altars. The priests were going around with a bell to wake them up from their afternoon nap. They give the gods food offerings and light offerings, and wake them up and put them to sleep, etc. The idea is that the god is kind enough to come inhabit the image so that we can love it and take care of it.