30 days of Video Games- Day 4

Jan 04, 2011 19:52

Day 4 - Your guilty pleasure game

Offhand, I'm going with StarFox Assault.

I actually didn't play this game until a year ago when I found a used copy at my local gamestop. Since the Wii can is backward compatible, and I had landed a long-term temp contract (shortly after which I landed my actual job) I thought it would be something fun for the weekend. It was, with the entire game finished (abet on Easy/ Bronze) in two days. I've since gone back and made it through Silver, but I've yet to complete it with Gold.

What I like about this game is what I like about all the StarFox games: it's a shooter/ pilot series that doesn't take itself too seriously.. and when it tries to I'm free to laugh my head off. I can play for hours from beginning to end, or I can go right into favorite levels and replay for the heck of it. While I do agree with some reviews on improvements for the title (most notably, not enough time in the Arwing, and the ability to travel different paths that returned in Command), generally it's relaxing romp into space adventure that I enjoy turning on.

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