I can't actually form thoughts about the episode. I watched it, rivited to the screen. But I think I need to rewatch it before I can really form an opinion.
What I don't understand is why the assisination would be connected with Zoey's kidnapping, but I guess they explained that it's retribution. This is one of those episodes where I think I need someone to explain the subtext to me. I'm confused - which happens quite easily with this show. I guess the thing that's got me really confuzulled is why Abbey would be so made that Jed didn't tell her about the assisnation. Why would anyone think that she should know or that it would have such ramifications on a personal side?
Geeze does Goodman look huge! How much weight has he gained in the past several years anyway? Interesting that they made a comment about this on the show.
I can't believe they'd let him nominate a VP. I mean, yes, he's the president now, but everyone knows it temporary.
I loved that CJ told Danny to post the story. Charlie broke my little heart. The episode itself gave me chills.