Title: They Who Bear the Deepest Wounds
Author: shealynn88
Rating: R
Word Count: ~1200 words
Warnings: sexual content, blood play, angst
Spoilers: Heroes: "Five Years Gone", SPN: none
Fandom: Heroes/Supernatural
Pairing: Peter/Dean
Summary: They may be on opposite sides of this war, but they still have a lot in common. (slashy, in case you hadn't
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Comments 26
Secondly: Don't kill Sammmmmmmy! -wibble- Just goes to show you, no matter where he is, whether it's a different time or place, Dean's nothing without him (and vice versa).
Brilliant, hon!
And, yeah, I felt terrible about Sam, too. :( Dean is just broken without him. Sam is his concsience and his direction and his meaning.
*runs off to catch up on SPN*
I love your icon, too! Is it a GG shot? I don't know much about the show, except that they were both on it (and I was apparently the only person in the entire world who liked Milo's character). Anyhow, awesome!
I...umm...actually did a drive-by of your LJ and saw your lay_of_luthein icon...and i had to run and grab some.
*is overwhelmed by the pretty*
:) Thanks again!!
I really DO feel like I win!! ;)
I'm SO glad you liked this...I've been doing a lot of hemming and hawing over it, but coming from you it's a HUGE compliment that both characterization AND teh sex was good. Yay! Give me two angry boys, and I will plunk them into bed together. It is my gift and my curse. ;)
Thanks for giving this a try!
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