Title: The CW and the Hiatus From Hell
Author: Shealynn88
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1500 words
Pairing: Chris Lowell/Jared Padalecki
Summary: The CW has this thing about making sure everyone looks like they get along. Hence the station-sponsored mandatory trip to sunny California for a week of photo ops and high-profile daytime fun.
A/N: For
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Comments 5
A whole hell of a freakin' lot, that's how much! The best part? Kristin as Jared's warning bell, unwittingly alerting him to forthcoming shenanigans.
I love all of the hilarious little details. Mike's wall art, Chad's sexual harassment, Tom getting his pants set on fire. Brilliant.
And the kissing and the sand brushing? Guh. Yes, please.
♥ Thanks for writing this for me, lady!
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, and all the weirdness that came up...I don't know quite how that happened.
And I thought afterwards how I made that comment about Texans smushing words together and pretty much the only Texans I've ever heard are you, Jared and Jensen. And none of you smush all that much. *shrug* Weird.
Anywho, thanks for reading and prompting! Twas fun! ;)
Also, I am contemplating various permutations of Zach and Willow/Fred. Because...how seriously cool is that??
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