Title: Essence of Time
Author: shealynn88
Word Count: ~450
Fandom: Dead Like Me
Characters: George/Rube
Summary: Other people's promotions make George thoughtful.
“Mason? Really?” George couldn’t quite get her head around it. Granted, Mason had a few decades on her, but in Reaper terms that really wasn’t much in the way of senority. When Daisy had ascended or poofed or been promoted or whatever, George had been pissed, but it had been okay. Yeah, Daisy had been annoying as hell, but she hadn’t been a complete fuck-up like Mason.
“Mason,” she said again, testing the sound and contemplating the sudden reality of his absence.
Ten years ago, she would have flipped out. Bitched about how unfair it was, and how she deserved to get out of this dead-end job (no pun intended). But she was a little ashamed to say that Rube had worn her down with that bland smile and the one eyebrow that quirked occasionally in disapproval. It was hard to stay constantly irritated with someone who was so damn unruffled.
It had been longer for him. A lot longer-even in Reaper terms. It was hard to believe that anything he’d done had caused him to be here that much longer than Mason. She wondered if it wore on him at all-to see Reapers come and go while he supervised.
Maybe it was just that he was too damn good at his job. It had been like that once she hit middle management at Happy Time. They hadn’t wanted to move her because she’d been good.
Her mother would have been absolutely floored.
George had moved around a lot since then-it got a little odd when you didn’t age. People looked at you when they thought you wouldn't notice and whispered about Botox. Like she’d ever stick that shit in her forehead. Whatever. She moved around and it was fine, cause it wasn’t like it was her real job anyway.
Maybe Rube would spring for waffles now that it was just the two of them. No doubt Mason’s replacement would be arriving soon, but they’d have a little bit of time to themselves until then.
“So,” she finally said. “Guess it’s just us, huh?” And strange as it was, she was glad it was Rube that was left. He had a weird sense of humor, and the most unexpected moments of insight. He kind of...got her.
Rube smiled a half smile that almost made her return it, and then nodded. “For now.”
She wound her fingers slowly with his, giving a silent cheer when he didn't pull away, and matched his footsteps. “Breakfast?”
His smile widened, making his eyes crinkle. “If we get it to go. We’ve got a busy day.”