Many . . . appear to have fallen ill.
Being a merchant, I am well-stocked with fever reducers and other such remedies...if anyone seeks them.
Two days. One may wonder how long this rain is to last.
[Locked//Somewhat hackable]
Such importance is placed on names here. It is not strange, but never have I been so pressed to give one. That is the oddness...
In distance and in inhabitants, this place is far from Japan. Or . . . the Japan I know.
To accept a name is to wear it as your own. Perhaps I have simply become used to going nameless. I have learned much already in being here, however... Perhaps I have, recently, come to accept too many things. This place is not the least of them.
((orz another ooc note. sorry. BUT. whenever he introduces himself as kusuri-uri he's basically saying "medicine seller" in japanese. so if any of your characters speak japanese and happen to notice that, feel free to say so.))