once again, it's been awhile. i've been lagging. picture overload. but i'll spare you and only post a few.
christmas time pictures
new years
other recent pictures
me & andrea
psycho john.
johnny partsly.
part twins!
i'm thinking about dying my hair. again. i get tired of it so easy! i was thinking i'm gonna go really dark. maybe even black. but that may be waaay too harsh since i'm not exactly tan. so maybe a dark brown. or my usual chocolate cherry.
i'm also reeeeaaally debating whether or not to get my nose re-pierced. or my lip. whenever i drink, i'm so down to go right then and there to get it done. but besides bleeding to death and not being able to keep still, i dont really..think very much when i'm drunk, so maybe i'd regret it. help!
i havent gone to the movies lately..the last thing i saw was "meet the fockers". HILARIOOOOUS. i loved it. & i really wanna see "in good company"!! who wants to see it with me? i also wanna see "white noise", "blade: trinity", & "lemony snickets", and i caaaant waaaait until "charlie and the chocolate factory" comes to theatres! eeeeeek!
one of my oldest friends, chantel, came down to visit thursday. she used to be my neighbor back when i lived in discovery bay. she's moved to san diego to go to college, so i haven't seen her in about 3 years. but it was awesome to hang out again.
hopefully we'll be able to hang out more once i move to so cal. speaking of which, i'm still shopping for my neeewww place. if all the housing paperwork gets approved, i'll be outta nor cal around february 19th or 20th.
house shopping is soooo fun.
i'm so getting this dinnerware.
love it.
sooo it's kinda late, but i'm gonna do this anyway:
001) What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before? i cant think of anything worth mentioning. haha.
002) Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? didn't make any this year.
003) What countries did you visit? none. but i went to illinois! and nevada too!
004) What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004? self-confidence. stability. & money wouldnt hurt either.
005) What date from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? 5/30, 9/5, 9/23
006) What was the best thing you bought? my laptop! & sidekick! i love technology. ;)
007) Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? yowza..ehh, just some..certain people.
008) Where did most of your money go?bills. laptop. and christmas presents. :X
009) What did you get really, really, really excited about? Ron coming home.
010) What song will always remind you of 2004?Trapt-Echo, all songs by MCR and TBS.
011) What do you wish you'd done more of? I wish I exercised more. I want a 6-pack!
012) What do you wish you'd done less of? Being depressed.
013) Did you fall in love in 2004? Yes.
014) What was your favorite TV program? Friends, That 70's Show
015) Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year? I dislike another person. But I'd actually love to mend all drama with everyone.
016) What was the best book you read? I didn't read much, but The Notebook was really good
017) What was your greatest musical discovery? MCR
018) What was your favorite film of this year? Secret Window & Mean Girls. Were those 2004?
019) What did you do on your birthday? I don't even remember. drank?
020) What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Having more stability in my life. And being able to make myself happy instead of having other people do it for me.
021) How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004? Comfortable and casual. Whatever looks good in my eyes.
022) What kept you sane? friends & family. some alcohol & cigarettes. having some spending money.
023) Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? Johnny Depp
024) What political issue stirred you the most? the war.
025) Who did you miss? My grandma & Ron.
026) Who was the best new person you met? JT. even though I met him years before, we actually got to know each other a lot more earlier this year. he'd definitely have to be the best new person i "met".
027) Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2004: I cant think of any that I've learned in 2004, but I've definitely been re-taught a lot. Every cloud has its silver lining, everything happens for a reason, having pictures lead to upsets...so many more.
there are a few people who've I had drama or unfinished business with over the year(s), who i'd LOVE to talk to. but i highly doubt i ever will. but i guess that's the way it's supposed to be. but then unfortunately, there will always be these un-answered questions in my mind.