This week - The Edgars!

Apr 22, 2012 07:40

It's Edgars week. This means that the Mystery Writers Association is holding their annual symposium in New York City. I'm going to be on a panel with Tom Angleberger, Matthew Kirby, Maureen Johnson, and Todd Strausser, about MG/YA mystery novels. I think it should be fun, though I've never been on a panel before. I'm not sure how I should prepare ( Read more... )

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Comments 16

bogwitch64 April 22 2012, 14:53:30 UTC
You are going to have a magical time. I know it! I hope to see a pic of you in that dress.

Mommy-guilt is insidious. I know I can SAY, "don't let it get you" but it will anyway. Just remember this--by showing your daughter that sometimes, YOU come first, that you have dreams and ambitions and a LIFE that is YOURS, you're teaching her to do the same for herself one day. My oldest daughter, now that she's a mom, actually told me that was one of the best lessons I ever taught her. Knowing I retained an identity outside of my kids showed her she could do the same, and still be the best mommy EVER. ;)


sheela_chari April 23 2012, 04:17:23 UTC
My mommy guilt is one of those things I have to learn to deal with. I'm sure both my kids will be fine (I have a number of events squeezed into the next 2 weeks, which means time away from them), but I can't help worrying just a little.

My 9 year old is so supportive and excited about the Edgars and my writing life in general, I can't complain.

What a week this will be!


boreal_owl April 22 2012, 15:03:07 UTC
Woohoo! Good luck and have fun!


sheela_chari April 23 2012, 04:17:41 UTC
Thank you! I really do hope to enjoy the event!


yuenmei April 22 2012, 16:52:02 UTC
Yaaaaaaay! That's so fantastic! I can't wait to see pics. Have a great time.


sheela_chari April 23 2012, 04:18:13 UTC
Thank you, Ariane! Hope I remember to bring a camera with me!! I tend to forget these things at such times! :)


stephanieburgis April 22 2012, 17:47:41 UTC
Yay! I am so excited for you! I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful evening. *hugs*


sheela_chari April 23 2012, 04:18:27 UTC
thank you, steph. {}


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sheela_chari April 23 2012, 04:18:53 UTC
Thanks so much, Holly! Will post pics! :)


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