My family is coming tomorrow. My Great Aunt, Uncle and Grandmother. These people have all been parents to me my entire life... and for the first time, they are coming to my apartment to stay the night with me. :) I am so excited. But, my house is a mess, and lately we have all been to lazy to go grocery shopping so there isn't even any milk in the fridge. I haven't done laundry because we have to go to a laundry mat to do it, so there is dirty clothes all over my bedroom (where they will all be staying) and I won't have anything nice to wear to look presentable for them.
This is all my fault. I've had two days to prepare for this... but I kept putting it off. I could be doing it now... but instead, I'm writing about how I should be doing it. My friends, you are witnessing a procrastination in progress.. Oh yeah, you're all accomplises by reading this :)
I just don't want to clean... so badly. It's all too much.. I get up to clean, and just throw my hands up, sit down, and bury my head into this damn computer.
Ya know... Stef, Aaron, and I (my girlfriend, and gay roommate) all decided we didn't want cable... because it sucks the time out of our day, and we end up paying someone to give us another reason to sit around. So now, we spend money renting movies (21 is VERY good btw) and spend hours at a time laying around on our laptops. Bleh.
I wish... instead... someone would invent a Kick Your Ass Off The Couch inc. And we would pay them $5 a day to come in every afternoon, and drag our asses off the couch, out of our beds, away from the tv and internet, and put our asses to work.
I love to work... i do. Around the house anyway. I love to clean... and to have a clean house. But for whatever reason, here lately... i've been dreading every little chore... like it's going to kill me and it's sick really.. So i've been stomping around here all day bitching about the way the house looks, then callapsing back onto the couch.
Eh well... I'll show me when I have to get up at 9am. to hurry and clean the house before the "crew" gets here. Aunt Marlene would shit if she could see this house right now.
I also have to "de-gay" the bedroom... pride flag and such has GOT TO GO. They all know I'm gay... met Stef, love her.... but their old fashioned... and they just don't want it shoved in their faces. I can respect that. They know who I am, and they love me that's all I need. I can't expect them to accept that I'm gay, and that there is nothing wrong with it, no more then they can expect me to believe that I'm going to hell for being with the women i love. It's all a matter of opinion. They love me in spite of mine, and I do the same.
They don't pretend we're not together though. And that's more then I even expected. They call Stef my "partner" Which is kind-a eerie... but the fact that they are acknowledging our relationship outwieghs the eeriness of the term totally. I appreciate every time they acknowledge how important she is to me. I know it's hard for them to understand.
Anyway... I suppose that's it for now. I think I'll go bitch about the condition the bathroom is in for a while, and hopefully muster the will to clean it.
Wish me luck.