Dear LJ Friends,
So... I have been at my new job now for 3 days and I LOVE IT. I am working at AFNI... it's a customer service company for Verizon Wireless. All I will be doing (after the eight weeks of training) is sitting at a desk with a headset, answering incoming calls and helping people with any questions they have with their account, bills, phones (or other devices) and anything else their little hearts may be confused about.
And I am SO excited.
I realize I won't LOVE this job every day. And I've had a job working on the phones before (telemarketing) and I realize it becomes monotonous... but I will be HELPING people.. and I will be getting paid 9 dollars an hour, while getting benefits like PTO, overtime, health insurance, tuition reimbursement, and raises. For the first time, I have a REAL job... and I am SO excited about this job every day =D
Anyway, I realize that not everyone cares about my job... But
I wanted to tell everyone that since I've started I haven't been posting near as much, and I hate that because I have recently made so many great new friends. But hopefully, once I get used to the schedule I'm on, I'll find the time to post more often.
Till then, I want you all to know that I read your posts, and love hearing from you all... even though usually I don't have the time to comment on them all. And although right now, I won't be posting much... give me a few days to get my sleep schedule and such on track, and I'll be back.
Promise ;)