Full of Christmas Cheer is up at my
website Pairing: SB/RL
RatingL PG-13
Summary: Umbridge’s crusade has left Remus feeling tense and reactive, which isn’t the best of moods when he wants to discuss something that he’s managed to avoid for over twenty years.
Notes: Less of a fic, more of an insert to book five
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Comments 13
But sorry; there's no sequel. I have too many other ideas and projects that are begging to be written. And if I wrote a sequel, it would have to fit in canon - so that would not be a very happy story...
1. The idea came to me after I read an interview with JKR, where she said how the Nazi regime had inspired the terminology regarding mubloods and the snobbery that came with it. I was surprised to find out that they also colour-coded politicals, Jehovah's Witnesses, immigrants and gypsies, as well.
4. Okay, so after being nagged - again ;-) - I'm going to remove the word fluff!
To be honest, I didn't give Sirius's tattoos a second thought with regards to book canon. But now you've pointed it out, I've tweaked it, as I think it can work just as well without. But if you don't like any of the movie-canon additions, you might want to stay away from any other fics of mine that feature Remus - I have a bit of a thing for the cardigan and the lupinstache...
And feel free to friend me! I don't post often (as you may have already noticed), usually only doing so when I have another story up at my site.
Thanks again for the wonderful feedback!
She bases a lot of stuff on real history/real life, doesn't she? Like the prejudice against giants and things.
Oh, that's what I mean; some people like the cardie and tash. (Me, I just don't like facial hair on men, but that's just a personal thing.) Some things don't bug me as much as other things, and what characters look like isn't one of the biggies.
I don't think that what the characters look like is important in a fic - after all, it's the story that counts (and stories with shallow characters that are only together because they are 'teh pretty' bug me). But I can't help the kink that DT has given me with Remus...
I read your hpvalensmut fic (names were revealed) and I wanted to ask if I could friend you--I just loved it and you did such a brilliant job.
Have a great day.
I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. I was very nervous about it at first, with it being a pairing I had never even considered before. So it's great to hear that you think it worked.
Thanks for the feedback, and feel free to friend me :-)
Amazing! I *never* read OotP related Sirius/Remus fics because they make me cry, but I heard too many wonderful reviews from my friends to pass this one up. I am so glad I read it! (Though their decision to notify Harry next time he came home was a definite tear jerker!) The tone and the characterization was just perfect and I have never seen a fic (especially a slash fic!) mesh with the existing text so well! Great job!
Now I must run along and pass the link on to everyone I know...
And you came here on a a recommendation! More Squeeee!!!
I also have a tendency to avoid OotP related S/R fics - they can be far too depressing for my liking. So, for me, this was a good opportunity to ignore the ending of book 5, and instead, write about something positive that (really, truly ;-) happened.
Thanks so much for your kind words and letting me know what you think.
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