Okay, so I was only going to use my LJ for fic updates and occasional pap, but I couldn't help myself when it came to the influence Christian Voice has had on Jerry Springer the Opera
Before I begin, let me state that I do not have a problem with Christianity per se; I know many many Christians who are lovely people. It's those who wish to
enforce their beliefs on others that irk me.
I was blissfully unaware of exactly just how much controversy this show has caused until I decided to book tickets to see it for my birthday. The bottom line is: I can't. Instead of running until October this year, it has been cut short in February, and now the national tour is under threat. Why? Because it isn't enough for certain individuals to avoid seeing it if they believe they will find it offensive; they have to take the choice away from everyone.
There are lots of things that I choose to avoid because I heed the warnings, I pay attention to the subject matter contained and I can decide for myself whether I will personally find them offensive and/or disturbing. But I would never tell anyone that they should not be available for others.
And how did I manage to miss the fact that it was
aired on the BBC earlier this year?
Apparently: "The Christian Institute says the programme breached the BBC's charter and broke the Human Rights Act by discriminating against Christians." (quoted from the BBC website)
I laughed at this, and then laughed some more. Can we raise the issue of breaking the Human Rights Act by religious zealots discriminating against homosexuals and bisexuals?!
And Christian Voice are not content with merely stopping the show. They now intend to prosecute
those responsible for airing it on BBC2 and those responsible for staging it at the Cambridge Theatre. They have also
pressured a small charity to refuse a donation of £3,000, which was raised through the sale of tickets for Jerry Springer:
A group separate from Christian Voice, The Christian Institute, also intend to
sue the BBC. On top of this, I have read arguments that have been made regarding the use of tax-payers' money to subsidise this production, yet the extra subsidies and tax-cuts provided to religious schools and organisations has been glossed over. I do not have an issue with the latter, but it does strike me as hypocritical to restrict subsidies to those in society who do not take such a stringent view on religion.
Anti-Christian Voice have a copy of the letter sent to theatres across the UK that blatantly threatens legal action for those who want to take the risk. You can find it on the site by clicking the link on the left entitled: "Press Release: Stephen Green finds new vulnerable group to bully"
This has all left me with a WTF? feeling, but having a rant has helped.
Feel free to tell me your point of view and/or rant at me for the one I hold. If you know of a website that contains any pertinent information, links will always be appreciated.