i know exactly what you mean. i'm living in a different room - by myself! - but everything produces this gray kind of deja vu. deja entendu :) my saving grace is that i haven't been spending weekends with grinnellians or at grinnell because those are the days i see kevin. last weekend we saw a movie that had a preview for the aristocrats, and i thought of you. "i'd actually like to see that." it sounds terrible, but i really think that part of the reason i'm not like totally depressed is that i leave every weekend. how sad is that? study abroad could really not be timed any better than sixth semester.
Comments 3
You have to wear the shirt.
Like every day.
And take pictures of Ugandans looking at you funny.
You have no choice in this matter.
And Arrested Development has consumed my life. I just watched all of season 2 in two days.
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