yesterday was 9/11 and something struck me. For the first time since 9/11/01 the country and the media at large just treated it as another day. Of course there were tributes and MSNBC even rebroadcat its original programming from 9/11. However, I think that 9/11 is slowly morphing from Current Event to History Lesson
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Comments 4
And I'm still not certain we'll remember forever. All of those events you've just named were catastrophic scars on the American psyche, and they have all faded, too. Maybe I just lack faith in humanity, but ... No. Actually, I do lack faith in humanity.
No, I've not killed any Republicans yet. Though I've been sorely tempted. Lucky me, I work with a bunch of liberals.
And your random capitalization continues to baffle me. You've learned the difference between your and you're, its and it's ... maybe now it's time to learn about proper nouns?
Of course, I kid.
Lacking faith in humanity is OK I suppose. The more I work for my company, the more I realize that the ignorant out number the intelligent in vast numbers. It too makes me lack faith.
I'm also glad to hear that you work with a bunch of liberals. However I'm waiting for a day where a news report pops up on CNN where a 20 something with a Rifle and wearing Prada shoes goes apeshit and starts picking off motoists with Bush/Cheney bumper stickers!
Ok, so I randomly capitalize things. I mean you should be proud that your got me to get as far as the you're, its, and it's. Give it time, I'll figure out proper nouns eventually. :)
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