Title: Uncertainty
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo x Kato Shigeaki (nishikato)
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: They belong to JOHNNY yeah I know…
Summary: Shige questions, Ryo answers
A/N: been awhile since I last wrote something, so pls be nice. Comments are adored! :)
“Don’t think of dangerous things Shige.”
“I am not.” Shige frowns as he lies in bed to join Ryo.
“You have that weird look on your face again.” Ryo utters, as he trails his fingers on Shige’s dimly lit face.
“What look?”
“Tell me what you’re thinking, and then maybe you’ll found out.”
Shige sighs, he knows he'll never win,(especially not over Ryo) and kisses Ryo’s palm before he speaks again.
“Do you think this is right?”
“What is?”
“Us, I mean…”
Ryo chuckles, “You’re questioning US... now?”
“Just a thought.”
The older one sits up and faces Shige with a stern look.
“I really don’t get what this is all about.”
“Let me ask you then.”
Shige mirrors Ryo’s position, until they were face to face. Ryo admires Shige’s features for a moment, and then he nods, urging the younger man to go on.
When Shige speaks again, he looks at his hands and intertwines them with Ryo’s.
“What if everything about us is not right? What if you and me were a mistake? What if loving me was totally wrong? Nishikido Ryo, what would you do?”
He breathes, and trails kisses on Shige’s neck on to his jaw line. Shige humms as his skin tingles to the sensation Ryo’s lips were bringing. Even with close lidded eyes, Shige can feel the other smile against his skin.
“Easy…” Ryo answers as he kisses Shige on the lips. Then he continues.
“If you were a mistake, I’d gladly have this mistake, over and over.”
Shige opens his eyes and sees the older one staring at him intently. His heart flutters, but Ryo speaks again.
“And if being in love with you is all wrong… then I never want to be right again.”
A/N: thank you for reading a drabble that was done in haste.. i will now shoot myself for not studying.. lol