Okay I have tried and tried to post a review on MM.org and it just an't happenin. So I'm going to post it here instead.
To terri botta Author of 'The Lucky Ones'
Wow! I am just amazed by this fic, the characterization for the characters was very enjoyable. I adored Kagome and through her eyes came to love Inuyasha almost as much. Their relationship had such a..a pull to it. It melted my heart and I just really enjoyed seeing it's growth and the way it changed.
The Plot is just beyond amazing, huge in it's entirety and complex as all get out. I especially loved the inu speak, That was a very enjoyable little treat that I've never read in any other inuyasha fanfic before. I also loved the many OC's - the children, the strangers, even minor random people fit very well. Architect Inu and Doctor Kags... It's something that I'd never think of but just wow it really fits.
I have literally been reading this since 12:00pm and it is now 2:33am. Strait with only a few breaks for necessities. That is how amazing this story is. And now it's over and I'm irritated with how this is all the review I can leave. I feel like it deserves so much more... Also this is my first Inu/Kag story. *Gasps* I know but I've always been an avid Sess/Kags fan. So I'll definitely feel comfortable reccing this out to people who might not necessarily like the pairing.
Anyways, An amazingly beautiful story that I love to pieces.
I hope I don't offend you and I'm sorry I can't leave this at your site but I loved the story so much and could actually write the damn review that I just could not stand to not post it.
Ps tried to use an lj cut. Also much has happened this week and I'll post that latter.
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