see: or. read it hurr. cause its teh hap.
Necromancexlove: ill stab bush
Necromancexlove: with a spork!
omg its ariel x: :'(
omg its ariel x: hes such a cutie
Necromancexlove: you didnt just say that.
omg its ariel x: hahahah I DID
Necromancexlove: sick shit.
Necromancexlove: hes
Necromancexlove: 80.
omg its ariel x: NO.
omg its ariel x: hes like 50
omg its ariel x: lmao
Necromancexlove: HAH
Necromancexlove: still ew.
Necromancexlove: he has a cute ass.
Necromancexlove: thats it.
omg its ariel x: LMFAO
Necromancexlove: haha
Necromancexlove: i mean
Necromancexlove: its not like
Necromancexlove: you could miss it
omg its ariel x: lmfao.
Necromancexlove: hes always in tight texan jeans
omg its ariel x: id tap that..
omg its ariel x: HAHAHAHAHHAAH
Necromancexlove: FUCKIN
Necromancexlove: gross, girlfriend!
omg its ariel x: LMAO.
omg its ariel x: i love grossing you out.
omg its ariel x: your the one who said he has a cute ASS.
Necromancexlove: hahaha
Necromancexlove: yeah
Necromancexlove: not for tapping though
Necromancexlove: i mean
Necromancexlove: cmon
omg its ariel x: ahahahaha
Necromancexlove: hes 80
Necromancexlove: -30.
omg its ariel x: 80-30
omg its ariel x: haha
Necromancexlove: hahaha
Necromancexlove: at least i got the math right thats an improvment.
omg its ariel x: true true
Necromancexlove: haha
Necromancexlove: this conversation
Necromancexlove: is going on to teh LJ
omg its ariel x: HAHAHA
omg its ariel x: I ALREADY PUT IT
omg its ariel x: I WIN
just to clarify, i hope bush dies/loses.
and um. vegas with my best friend is sososo soon. i cant freakin wait.
we're gunna pwn teh strip. and all teh boys on it.
proabbably even teh girls to. cause teh best friend, is simply THAT hot. kthxbye. x3