Title: The Night Before the Last Time (1/3)
shelbecatRating: T (PG-13)
Pairing: Kris/Adam
Disclaimer: Not mine, clearly.
Notes: Multi-part Adam/Kris story covering their time in the idol mansion, and leading up to the Top 3 results show.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3 (
Maybe he should wait, maybe he should never do it at all, but he’s leaning in and Kris isn’t backing away and the kiss is soft and sweet and exactly like every kiss Adam has ever wished for in his life. )
Comments 25
I had forgotten what a beautifully subtle and nuanced writer you are, a skill that is particularly obvious in the scene where Adam approaches Kris about not sleeping in their room. I expected that you would have him confront Kris directly as most do, but instead we get this georgeous analogy about the pain of rejection during elimination week, which was brilliant and so effective.
I can't wait to see what else you have in store.
BTW I think the last time I visited your journal Casey had just been born. It's nice to see that she's grown into be such an adorable little girl.
I don't think I would have remembered your LJ name from The O.C. - it seems like so long ago! Plus, as you mentioned, I had a child in there - LOL! It tends to turn your brain to mush :)
Thank you so much for reading and enjoying the fic. I only started in this fandom a week ago - late to the game obviously - but now I'm hooked on Kris/Adam.
There is more planned - hopefully it doesn't disappoint!
Yeah that was such a great moment when Kris launched himself into Adam's arms after finding out he was safe. Even better, this was posted this morning:
( ... )
Thanks for the kradam_ai link - I have feedback! :)
i am on the edge of my seat for that next part.
you must not keep us waiting. XD
I have more, but I'm trying to make sure it's right. It should have been posted last week to be more timely, but it's my first Kradam story and I just couldn't rush it.
But thank you so much for the lovely, lovely flattery - it will get you EVERYWHERE!
will it get me to another chapter? XD joking. haha.
And Part 3 is coming!!!
(See, told you it would get you everywhere.)
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Thank you so much for reading and liking it! I'm so late into the fandom (it's over already!) but I can't stop writing about them.
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Can't wait for the next part :)
LOL! :)
Thank you for reading and liking it. More soon, I promise!
I have a slightly more appropriate one now, though :)
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