I've been watching The Good Wife more or less back to back for for last however-many weeks/months. I am now up to Season 5, episode 16. Anyone still here who can talk to me about this? Any lonely TV-watching rats or silverfish roaming the corridors of journal-land?
Spoilers for The Good Wife, Season 5. No, really.
I was actually spoiled for Will's death (I knew roughly which season, but not how, why or exactly when) before I embarked on watching this show properly (I'd seen some episodes some time previously, but it didn't click at the time, for whatever reason). To be honest, I didn't even think I liked Will all that much, at least not to start with. Also, I'm often capable of being pretty hard-hearted when characters die on TV, even when I do like them - sometimes I disturb myself slightly! So, honestly, I didn't expect to be all that upset by it. But, see, I'd got to the point where I'd forgotten it was going to happen, so I was happily going along with the whole new law-firm storyline, and the ballot-stuffing thing and so on. And as it turns out, I AM FUCKING GUTTED AND TRAUMATISED OMG.
I actually watched the episode the other night, and I couldn't sleep afterwards, how ridiculous! I put it down partly to having been immersed in these fictional people's lives for weeks on end - I mean, that is likely to leave a person mildly over-invested. But also, they did a really bloody, horribly good job. It was, to me, extremely reminiscent of how it actually feels when a horrific, shocking thing happen in your real life. Only, because I'd been spoiled, it felt like I'd had some sort of premonition, or something. I'm not sure, maybe that made it worse!
God. Fucking television.