1! name: alex
2! age: 13
3! gender: female
4! cock or cunt? (your sexual preference duh.) cockk
5! sum yourself up in one word: bombdiggity..
6! five random facts about yourself:
-i have foot-phobia
- i hate bananas
- i have a collection of those toys you find inside kinder eggs. (and if you know what a kinder egg is, your my idol)
- i can ride unicycle, although, i fall quite a bit
- i <3 kraft mac 'n cheese
7! what's yr take on:
//gay marriage: if a man can marry a woman. a man can marry a man. end
of story. (i also think its bullshit that bush and cheny are against it
cause chenys daughter is lesbian.)
//abortion: "if you're against abortion, dont have one"
//bush: i could go on for about a million years on what an asshole he
is. but lets just say hes an idiot that fucked up our country. I'm
especially angred at the fact that the troopes we need to clean up new
orleans because of the hurricane are in iraq. for no reason. way to go
//michael jackson: he is great. no more to say.
8! twenty good bands: weezer, say hi to your mom,
the mars volta, the shins, pink floyd, the pixies, the hives, ok go,
cat power, the moldy peaches, bloc party, beck, wilco, arcade fire, the
beatles, bright eyes, jimi hendrix, the flamming lips, bikini kill,
9! favorite lyrics: If I could act like this was my
real life, and not some cage where i've been placed, then i could tell
you the truth like I used to and not be afriad of sounding fake" conor
10! ten good movies: dr. strangelove, the shining, a
clockwork orange, animal house, the pianist, full metal jacket, big
fish, garden state, the breakfast club, sixteen candles..
11! five good books: the curious incedent of the dog
in the nighttime, catcher in the rye, to kill a mockingbird, please
dont kill the freshman, things fall apart
12! five good authors: J.D. Salinger, Steinbeck, Edgar Allen Poe, Chinua achebe, Billy Collins
13! five things you like to do when yr not being a superficial nerd and applying for lj rating communities:
being with friends, volleyball, paint, eating, swiming
14! ten likes: friends, wutang, black and white
photos, old clothes, aaprons, frozen yogurt, rain, sweaters, tapes,
15! ten dislikes: assholes, snakes, parsely,
gatorade, flipflops with high heels, the noise of pencils, white noise,
scratched CDs, tree sap, racist people/homophobes.
16! pick your favorite mod & write them a poem:
my attempt at a hiku:
weezer is the best,
rivers is most beautiful,
so is miranda.
17! now pick a member & compliment the hell out of 'emDasha Van Dasha = Probably the prettiest person i've ever seen... and the prettiest skin
18! make us laugh:
19! post a picture of someone you think is hot:
20! promote in five places and give links. (this means go to
the userinfo, copy the text under the banner, paste it to an
entry/comment & post!)
err... i have no where to promote...
21! favorite quote: "everyones a little queer, why cant she be a little straight?" rivers
22! at least five pictures of you being awesome plus a 100x100 pic for member page:
im a loser and cant find/edit a 100x100 pic