
Jun 24, 2004 00:07

"I'm not bi-curious! I'm a mans-man!" - Meat Wad, Aqua Teen Hunger Force.

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Comments 13

ex_funsized678 June 28 2004, 23:36:19 UTC
hi! im lindsey, i found you through a few friends, i might have met you before but i dont remebember... you seem cool, add me? (i promise i'm a good hearted kind citizen) <3


madeyadams July 4 2004, 12:42:00 UTC
stop telling your fucking friends to stop commenting in my journal. it's annoying as hell


heavensoverated August 2 2004, 00:47:58 UTC
I saw a post of yours (with the cute skirt!) on the sew_hip community, and was bored and looked through your journal, you seemed pretty cool so I thought I'd add you
....if that's ok?


shelikespie August 2 2004, 08:33:10 UTC
Yeah, no problem!

(added :D )



damdcow August 13 2004, 23:37:05 UTC
i siriously laughed for a minute... atleast... when i read that..

ps... i'm amer! its nice to meet you ;-)


shelikespie August 14 2004, 01:13:57 UTC
Hey, it's Chelsea and you know me :)

If you want to read my journal I'll add you . . .



catania November 18 2004, 15:21:51 UTC
hey-- great job at the match the other day. You rocked. I loved your magic 8 ball character in the Narrative C.


shelikespie November 18 2004, 16:06:12 UTC
Thanks, Marc

If you're so inclined to read the ramblings of a not-entirely angsty teenager, I'd love to add you.

I'm just still in a bad mood that even though we tied for fourth, we didn't make it into the finals.

Oh well, right?


catania November 18 2004, 16:24:29 UTC
yeah- that's tough. Well, if you think about it-- the finals are only on one day, and improvising can last a lifetime-- if you want it to.


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