Okay flist, I tried posting about this issue before. Elijah has very distinctive looking hands - the bitten nails, slightly pronounced knuckles, etc. In the scene where the hobbits hide from the Black Rider, and Frodo nearly puts on the Ring, the hand in that scene is not like this one. So I've always wondered...WHOSE BIG FINGERS ARE THOSE?????
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Comments 8
I know that in the scene in Shelob's lair, when Sam first enters and we see a hand holding Sting, that it's PJ's hand. Also the scene at Henneth Annun when Faramir and his lieutenant are checking out the map, I believe that's PJ's hand too. But I've no clue on this one.
I'd heard about Peter subbing his arm holding Sting for Sean, but I'd not heard why. I guess it had to do with setting up the shot properly.
Thanks, Belle!
I do, but it won't allow me to post it here.
When I get that other hand, I'll come back to this post.
Thanks, sweetie
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