You're a good kid play the game to break your heart.
You've gotta get back to where you started-
Pay attention now or it'll slip by
It's your heart don't let it die
Leave it all behind
Is it true when we get old our hearts die?
I heard it in a movie once and I think I know why
Life it sucks so bad it makes you wanna die!
(Whoooaaa but you get by- Life goes by...)
You're a good kid you've still got the power in you.
Hangin' around you don't know what to do-
Don't think too much, just let it loose
Get up now's your chance we are here
And we make you dance you are not alone this is our home
Life goes by...
Feeding frenzy in the street drinking beer
and eating meat when were hungry watch
your back as we plan our next attack...
-Bouncing Souls
It is easy for me to forget that my country is in the middle of a war. Whether the war was brought to us or we created it ourselves is of no meaning to me. Government, military, society, or foreign- reasons to be held in this war that we have no control over? We have the potential to direct the strings that steer our government's actions, but that will be held for a debate to be pursued on another day. The point is that my country is in a war- it must only get worse before a sign of peace can arise.
Over 30 people have died in a single day on the soil of Iraq. At first I took this as a military "mis-hap" (which technically it was) but that is not the way these tragedies need to be comprehended. An Iraqi mis-hap is not a passive accident but a horrible event that has happened on the grounds of an intense, deadly war. If even acknowledged in American media, troops are measly chess pieces in the game of life. This way of categorizing troops is not only harsh because it evaporates the living, breathing, bleeding aspects of our fighting brothers and sisters, but it also keeps the general American population in the 19th and 20th Century idea of war and battle. As if it hasn't been said enough in regards to terrorist acts against the US, we are at the dawn of a new era of world politics. War fare is no longer, and should no longer be played as if it is being staged by two civil gentlemen. War of the 21st Century is malicious, deceiving, and more tragic than ever. Terrorism has been around for hundreds if not thousands of years but it is now a main-stream war tactic- ignoring all rules previously written. The victims of this change in war, as it always is, are the naive citizens and the courageous, blinded, enlisted soldiers.
-I should join the ARMY.
Does anyone realize what's about to happen in Iran?