THiS is what I do with my free time.
yeah.. $5.15 in dimes & nickels..
My permit came in the mail yesterday.
& I thought my school ID was bad.
Movie night was fun.
When I got there Patrick was there.
I really have no idea why.
& Stif & Kelly told him their names were Joe & Gina.
& he believed them.
Him & Jon came running out of Rainbow when they saw that I had arrived,
Jon came out first & reached to give me a hug,
& haha, Patrick just seriously RIPPED him out of the way and THREW him aside.
It's cos I'm his favorite.
Then Patrick took a picture of his pubes.
CLiCK iF YOU DARE.Then we were just sitting there,
& Patrick took this (hideous) picture of me
& while he was telling me to smile,
he said "wow, Shelly, you're really pretty."
& that really made me feel good.
You know those little things that just make your day.
Some other kids came,
Sean & I went in Rainbow,
& I tried to figure out what I wanted to get for like,
10 years.
ahahakhdfksd clam juice. Icckksdk.
Then I decided to get an orangina.
& that was good.
We walked to the graveyard,
I guess Nate got pulled over.
Jon & I had a talk.
Then we sat at this picknick table in the middle of nowhere for a while.
Ryan was cold.
& so we both got in my sweater.
But we couldn't zipper it.
Hah, Beck even tried to help,
but it was no use.
It was a good time though.
& then my dad came & had to drive like, 6 people (including me) home
in his PT Cruiser.
When everyone got in he was like
"This is fun! It's like a world record or something"
& we listened to KOOL 108,
which is a great station.
Sometimes my dad can be ok.
Overall I had a lot of fun.
Today I just pretty much sat around so far.
Worked on my new mix tape.
& there are sometimes I think I'm pretty.
(I look prettier in life)
Then again.. there are times when I'm like WTF MY FACE??!?!?!
But.. you know.
So that's it.
The end.