So I figure more than a month has passed (I think) since my last update and I should write something up despite the fact that nothing huge and monumentally life changing has occurred. As always, bullet points.
- I'm poor again. Yes, this is the most important thing. Maybe not to some people, but to me. I bought a new laptop so I will finally have my own again. This one that I'm using now used to be mine but our family's desktop went out like 2 years ago and we couldn't afford to fix it or get a new one so everyone has been using mine. And now I have a laptop of my own again. Which is good. But also bad. Because now I'm poor again. All of my money from work is almost gone. Only $300 left and I still haven't bought textbooks.
-I decided that I'm going to go to Cal Baptist instead of UChicago. UChicago is still at the top of my list, but I'd be missing way too many things and Chicago would be too far away. I figure if I get homesick at CBU, I can always call home and ask if I can stay for the weekend. As far as missing things, it'll be my brother's senior year next year and if he decides to wrestle, I really don't want to miss out on that. The clincher though? What if Blink 182 tours in our area again and I can't see them with Matt? It would kill me. Blink 182 is our thing.
-Family wise, everything has turned to shit, sort of. I think the last thing I wrote about this issue was that I felt that my parents were putting me in a weird position? I don't know, can't be bothered to check my last post. Anyway, my dad called my grandma letting her know that we weren't going to her baby shower (really though aunt, we haven't talked to you in over a year and you know exactly why yet you still invite us wtfwtfwtf) and my grandma went off on my dad. Apparently she called my mom a bunch of rude names and then accused her of trying to break up the family. Like, no. She knows what sort of childhood my mom had, why would she break apart the family that had once welcomed her with open arms when she married my dad? My grandma also got mad at my dad because he was siding with my mom, his wife. I could go a lot more into this but I must bring up Thanksgiving day where she called and left a chipper message wishing us a wonderful Thanksgiving and then calling Christmas Eve leaving a message specifically for me and my brother (yes, leave a message on the family phone she knows I have my own) asking when we could get together so she could give us our presents. My parents have already said that they don't want her to see Matt and of course I can make my own decisions but I'm definitely on their side in this whole ordeal. I really should call her back, I don't want her thinking that mom and dad are keeping me away from her too. She needs to know that I'm pissed as hell that she went off on my mom for no reason. Annnnd looking at the length of this, I had a lot bottled up inside. Oops.
-As for work, I'm all done. Actually we finished up Santa's Wonderland Dec. 24, with my last day being the 23 so I've been without money since then. Towards the end, I'm talking the last week, I found out I was one of the favorites which would have been really nice if I hadn't found out in the most awkward way possible. A few of us were in the break room after our shift and talking about one of our leads and the special events coordinator and how they play favorites and I'm just standing there laughing at their stories and then they started talking about how they never got to do certain things and were always stuck at the same place and like it hit me that Oh damn, they were constantly moving me around so I wouldn't "get bored" and ohGodohGodohGod Richard actually bought me a water after I casually mentioned that I was running out of mine shit. Anyway, all of that is done now and I got a call from work saying they were impressed with my work and want to keep me on the special events team (like they were going to fire me I'M THE FAVORITE) and I've got my fingers crossed that I can get into apparel because as easy as it is working with the special events coordinator, she's still not my favorite person to be around so yeah move me please.
And that's all of my life. You are now caught up. Sorry I was gone for so long though. I've been slacking on the HiH stuff and I felt guilty going through LJ because it's almost all HiH stuff on my friends page but I'm trying to get back into that little by little so sigh. ♥