Friends Only!
o1. comment.
o2. add me first.
o3. i'll add you back.
easy right?
*if you cant see any entries besides this one, that means you're not added. k thats for all the slow people out there that dont understand livejournal yet =]
1. Dont add me if you just want more friends
2. Dont add me if you're going to TypE LykE D1s
3. Dont add me if you arent going to comment
4. Dont add me if you dont update your own journal
5. Dont add me if you dont want to read my poetry
6. Dont add me if you dont want to hear my bitch about my life.
7. Dont add me if you're going to be an ass =]
..& if you go to Sweet Home,
dont count on being added unless you're
[x] jillian
[x] maria
[x] kelly
i dont trust anyone else =D