Title: It's Their Kind of Love (A YoonHae Drabble)
Pairing/s: Yoona & Donghae, YoonHae <3
Rating: G
shelovessushi It's Their Kind of Love
She unconsciously moved a few inches from her seat to make room for him; her eyes never leaving the book on her lap. Yoona knew all too well whom it was though, because she could feel it--- feel him; that faint tingly and yet comforting feeling that she always feels whenever he was there.
She likes it. Very, very much.
And he sat down beside her. A small smile played on his lips as he felt her lean reflexively against his shoulder, and they both sighed in contentment.
It has always been like this, for both Yoona and Donghae.
When she exhales, he inhales. When he exhales, she then inhales.
And every time Donghae moves, Yoona will too--- unknowingly. It’s like they were made to adapt to each other’s changes.
They long for each other’s company when they’re apart and they feel each other’s presence even from miles away.
Yoona and Donghae share something unfathomable; a connection too deep for anybody to break that keeps them together and in love all these years.
It was natural.
It was unbreakable.
It was their kind of love.