Title: How YoonHae Came to Be: Just Say It Already!
Pairing/s: Yoona & Donghae, YoonHae <3
Author: shelovessushi
Disclaimer: This is purely a work of fiction and my imagination.
Note to Readers: Thank you for all the kind comments. I appreciate it very much. You're words of encouragement are my inspiration.
YoonHae in the years 2007-2010.Love. Love. Love )
Comments 9
did that really happened? in real life?
if it did is there a video or article about it....i wanna see it... my friend told me the story about it...i dunno if she's saying the truth...
mr. and mrs. fishy , cool!
(don't get me wrong though, I like WG too. It just so happens that I'm a Sone)
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