Oct 31, 2012 07:49
First, just a reminder that today is the final day to post your submission for the Back-to-School challenge!
Now, onto the poll. According to my schedule, this month we’re re-watching the commentary and we’re due up for a weekday re-watch. The re-watch will be held the second full week of November beginning on November 12. Please take the poll to let me know what is the best weekday/time for you.
Poll November Commentary Re-Watch
ETA: Yes, that's supposed to say 2pm for the second Wednesday option!
1. This poll will remain open for 72 hours; I’ll announce the results on Saturday.
2. If several dates receive a similar number of votes and there is no clear winner we’ll have a run-off vote.
3. If necessary, I will be the tie-breaker vote.
{challenge} back to school 2012,
{rewatch} admin