Oct 01, 2006 22:22
Things are looking up:
--two postcards today, both saying "hope"
--a real conversation about love with my dad
--a phone call from ellen philpott
--one more day with my best friend
--feeling true love from my friends
--susie's empowerment
--recalling passion
--believing in myself
--starting over
Sep 22, 2006 22:35
I forgot how much running makes me feel better.
i.e. not only did i get some exercise in, i also made a huge amount of progress on cleaning my room.
Jul 29, 2006 21:31
bad haircut.
Jun 07, 2006 21:44
happy birthday, clara. i love you.
Jun 07, 2006 20:32
waiting for my quiz, waiting for my quiz, waiting for my la la.
May 13, 2006 21:33
So...I have done 4 of 5 finals
Of that last final, I have done 4 of 7 problems.
All of which are completed.
I am feeling pretty good.
But I don't want to think about packing up my room.
Apr 19, 2006 11:12
Sitting down on a toilet seat that is still warm from the last person who used it.