Title - True Blah (Part 3)
Rating - (a bit of vampy action)
Fandom - True Blood
Pairing (Pam/Jessica)... or Jam if you wish ;)
Disclaimer - Don't own blah blah
"Honey, you stopped calling." Pam's voice made Jessica shiver, she closed her eyes a little too long when she blinked as Pam stood in the doorway.
"You never picked up the phone!" Jessica snapped back to how she told herself she should be feeling about Pam. "And it don't matter anymore, I don't need you now I'm-"
"Trying to live like a breather, I see." Pam took in the surroundings, the new furniture, the smell of the new lick of paint. "Oh the times I coulda showed you."
"You never fucking picked up!"
"Oh honey, it's been a week." Pam rolled her eyes a little.
"Month." Jessica said almost just to herself, but with vampire hearing, Pam clearly heard.
Pam raised an eyebrow, "A month then. You should have waited, I'd have been worth it." Pam turned and started to leave, she could have moved fast and been out of the door in a blink, but she sauntered out, giving Jessica and Hoyts new place one last eyeball.
In a flash Jessica was standing in front of her, then her hands were on Pam, pushing up her fuchsia sweater to feel the cool hard flesh underneath as she kissed her with a passion she had been thinking about since the last time she got the privilege. Jessica felt Pam smile into her kiss, as she was pushed back fast out her own door, into the night.
Jessica found herself pressed back hard against a tree in her own yard. She let herself lie back on the comfortable angle of the tree, as Pam's tongue teased her nipple hard, and Jessica whimpered when Pam took her mouth away.
Pam stood up straight, alert.
Hoyt's truck sent shafts of light through the trees as he drove towards them, towards his new home.
Jessica turned to where Pam's glistening eyes had focused as she started to buttoned her pink shirt up.
"I'd better go." Pam spoke in almost a whisper, slowly, before running a hand down through Jessica's hair, down her shoulder and cupped a breast, bending her head back to it, and leaving a sharp kiss on the swell of Jessica's breast.
Jessica's head rolled back, her eyes closed, and then Pam was gone.